I've had to change my identity fourteen times...?
Poll: How bad is your reputation?
mine has been shot to hell for years .... who gives a damn anymore??
Poll: How bad is your reputation?
only 14? lol
hahaha i guess it's pretty good....for now
my reputation is pretty good. =]
Well i'm a poser.
and i tend to get a little to sexual with small children around
they hate me on jtv xD
mines intact
eh, ok
It depends on who you ask! Most of the people that know me are unaware of some of my stupid mistakes-so far- and think me fine, upstanding and kind. Those aware of my not so bright actions do not think well of me at all.....as they shouldn't.
I'm sorry ... you can always hide under my hat.
It has fallen so low that not even the pimps and drug dealers will hang out with me.
......that depends which s.o. b. you ask. I couldn't bribe everyone!!!
Slowly building.
Although, it can do with a polish.
Compared to yours, I'm lame!
I think, in my case it might depend on different areas.
I'm well known by the Sheriff and all the deputies.
I'd love to be in some witness protection thing, but I never see anything bad happen unless I cause it.
My Profs all know that I will never be early or on time for classes.
I finally had to quit using the excuse the Dog Ate It,,, after about 14 years.
My step mom steers clear of me when either of us have a drink in our hands.
Friday, 7 October 2011
Changing an ethnic name to an American one, How do our names form our personal sense of identity?
If you must negotiate transition from one culture to another, can you still respect traditional values? Many have memories of being teased as kids, if they had an unusual name, a person with an %26quot;unamerican%26quot; name, is bound to have some additional struggles.
Is it possible for somebody from another country, to take on a (american) new identity, in order to fit in with a %26quot;different%26quot; society?
What are the differences in how we react to foreign names, from regular %26quot;common%26quot; ones?, would a name change cause dramatically altered treatment? Generally speaking, how do people respond when confronted with a name that is not familiar?, are cultural assumptions made- based on your name, language, speaking %26amp; pronounciation?.
What would be the result on the foreigners original sense of self?, would they still be able to preserve it after this name change?
I know it sounds like gibberish, but it's part of an assignment for a class, so serious responses (or not so serious) would be appreciated.
Changing an ethnic name to an American one, How do our names form our personal sense of identity?
Outside of native names, there are no American names.
Every other name is imported, from England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Italy, Poland, Greece etc
Changing an ethnic name to an American one, How do our names form our personal sense of identity?
My last name is Arabic and people have a hard time saying it. I have always been embarassed by it. Its said wrong all the time and I get tired of correcting people. As a child they always made fun of my name. I wish I had an english sounding last name like my moms family.
You make your name, your name doesn't make you.
i don't know how to pronounce your name. %26quot;oh, it's-%26quot; no, i'm not even going to try! %26quot;it's-%26quot; i'm not listening! lalalala!
Is it possible for somebody from another country, to take on a (american) new identity, in order to fit in with a %26quot;different%26quot; society?
What are the differences in how we react to foreign names, from regular %26quot;common%26quot; ones?, would a name change cause dramatically altered treatment? Generally speaking, how do people respond when confronted with a name that is not familiar?, are cultural assumptions made- based on your name, language, speaking %26amp; pronounciation?.
What would be the result on the foreigners original sense of self?, would they still be able to preserve it after this name change?
I know it sounds like gibberish, but it's part of an assignment for a class, so serious responses (or not so serious) would be appreciated.
Changing an ethnic name to an American one, How do our names form our personal sense of identity?
Outside of native names, there are no American names.
Every other name is imported, from England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Italy, Poland, Greece etc
Changing an ethnic name to an American one, How do our names form our personal sense of identity?
My last name is Arabic and people have a hard time saying it. I have always been embarassed by it. Its said wrong all the time and I get tired of correcting people. As a child they always made fun of my name. I wish I had an english sounding last name like my moms family.
You make your name, your name doesn't make you.
i don't know how to pronounce your name. %26quot;oh, it's-%26quot; no, i'm not even going to try! %26quot;it's-%26quot; i'm not listening! lalalala!
How to get a man when he likes your best friend? love triangle read below for info?
(in this story names are changed for identity reasons)
well i went to my friends birthday party - Shanna and her ex boy friend was there and asked for my and my friend - Alia numbers so i was texting him and i like him alot and he tells me i like Alia in my head im like WHAT! and at the party he kissed my friend Shanna what do i do?
How to get a man when he likes your best friend? love triangle read below for info?
Maybe he likes you but couldn't tell you kuz you are hot (assuming that you are) and he decided to go for the easier target. Lol. If he hasn't told your friend about what he feels then I suggest that you tell him how you feel before its late, kuz dating chick A while I really wanted chick B and knowing she feels something for me sucks. Real talk.
How to get a man when he likes your best friend? love triangle read below for info?
maybe he's just not into serious relationships.
well i went to my friends birthday party - Shanna and her ex boy friend was there and asked for my and my friend - Alia numbers so i was texting him and i like him alot and he tells me i like Alia in my head im like WHAT! and at the party he kissed my friend Shanna what do i do?
How to get a man when he likes your best friend? love triangle read below for info?
Maybe he likes you but couldn't tell you kuz you are hot (assuming that you are) and he decided to go for the easier target. Lol. If he hasn't told your friend about what he feels then I suggest that you tell him how you feel before its late, kuz dating chick A while I really wanted chick B and knowing she feels something for me sucks. Real talk.
How to get a man when he likes your best friend? love triangle read below for info?
maybe he's just not into serious relationships.
If changing the world we live in means changing yourself would you want to?
How important is your self identity to you? Would you give it up for the greater good? That little self after all makes all the mischief in the world and can really think of nothing else but its own desires. Before you identify with race religion politics a flag an ideal or belief. First identify with what you are, a human being, who lives on this world as a part of the human race.
If changing the world we live in means changing yourself would you want to?
We are the world, the movements of our mind makes our world go round. What is happening now is the spectacular presentation of our collective selfish mentality. I can compare this life of us to a very big ship that is sinking. We are the passengers and each one is carrying a heavy stone (selfishness). If I see the truth that I'm carrying this load and everybody will die, I will throw away my heavy load to help the ship not to sink. So to change is just a modification of the self ( it is still the self), I think the answer is the total dissolution of this selfishness in me or this %26quot;me%26quot;. We have to really discover the texture of this fleeting shadow called %26quot;I%26quot;, %26quot;me%26quot;, %26quot;mine%26quot;. To see the falseness of my self is to see the everlasting truth about life.
If changing the world we live in means changing yourself would you want to?
good question, I think there are two answers to this, the reality and the theory.
In theory yes I would, in reality and this is an honest answer, dependant on what changes were required I may be a little resistant.. However my whole career has demanded change, change attitude, location, thinking - I work with people, person centred work, so have often had to change the way I think.. I would like to think I could.. but how much.. I honestly cant say?
An identity is very important. When you take a stand you do so because of the way you think and are. So it is part of your identity and strength. The identity can be very helpful to get your views across if you want to influence others and change a situation. Be it for the community you live in or to change the world. Along the way you realise that you will have to adapt to the process as the situation and the people will affect and shape the decisions that are being taken. Most times you will find that by retaining individual identities is the best way to learn and progress.
%26quot;You should be the change that you want to see in the world%26quot; - Mahatma Ghandi
Very good question. I sometimes think that I am who I am and won't change. Still, if it meant changing the world for the better, I probably would. Especially if it meant that my children and any future grandchildren would have a better life.
I think of this... Then I think that being me makes the world unique.It's not just me. Thousands of individuals being them selves make this world a unique and interesting place.
Change isn't always a bad thing, sometimes changing the world can make you a better person. However I might not change the world if it meant giving up something important to me (not materialistic).
Well for starters changing the world, doesnt mean changing your identity or selling your soul!-so you wouldnt have to :)
And anyone who believed this is quite foolish-or would readily want to change themselves.
I wouldnt ever give up my self identity for anyone or anything, unless there was something very wrong with my personality ;) (and even then i would probably be in my own denial that there was nothing at all wrong with it!) :)
To do good in the world, you dont need to change yourself-or alter your self identity- its the impact and good that you bring along with your self identity that has the power to change things.
I am not religious, but this is my belief :) Live for the moment!
That is indeed a super question.
Easy way out is to say - yes, I would want to change myself for changing the world.
Doing that is not easy, or else there would have been no need perhaps to change our world.
But, this is really too much. If I don't like this world, I thought I had two options - either I adjust or change the world. If the latter option also boils down to changing myself, well, where is the option ?
Whether easy or not, one has to change oneself if one wants his world to change. As a result, most people learn not to bother about the world as long as anything is not directly affecting them, right now. Sort of a reactive minimum action approach rather than a proactive forward looking one. And of course that is the reason our world is what it is and yet, we still think freedom of the individual is a highly laudable value.
Most people would give themselves up for the greater good, if, and only if the greater good was apperant and costly. For example, we view ourselves the sepreme beings on this earth, but if something were to happen and change that view, whether it be a plauge or another sepreme being, people would give up their individuality to fight/stand against something greater. As humans, we have a uncontrolable need to fight and reject something in our lives. That need must be forfilled somewhere, even if that means going to war with ourselves. If everything is going great in our lives, their is a part of us that says it wont last because we need to feel pain and difficulty. Indentities are forged out of this pain and confrontation, thus the mischief becomes personalized. Each of us change the world everyday, with everyone we see by changing their thinking structure, whether it is better or worse. Changing the world on a large scale will inevidably happen because people tend to group together to be heard. Being Human means being difficult and therefor having self identity, so to give up that, that identity we strive for, would be giving up being human. So the question is now, Are you willing to become something less that human to change the world???
Without self-identity you cease to exist. Identifying yourself as part of the human race is the essence of self-identity. I don't think it's possible to release your self-identity without a lobotomy. Additionally, who decides what is for the greater good? The majority, the most powerful (which is usually a minority), or those that have the most to gain? The problem with the question is that it can only exist in a theoretical environment. Human nature by its very existence demands something infinitely more complex. IMHO :)
Yes I would. In fact that is what I am trying very hard to do but with very little success.
I know it is easier said than done. But I think everyone has to change. Whether we like it or not. No one is perfect after all.
And all of these identities -race, religion etc. are not as constant as we want to believe. But the whole identity game is about believing that they are fixed. Even the identity of Me, Myself is not as fixed. It is constantly changing even if we do not consciously try to change it.
That would depend on whether I thought the changes were for the better or worse. I can adapt to a lot of things, but there is always this limit in me where I can't do something because it isn't being true to my own self. But I wonder if that would make much difference in the long run. Under every dictatorship, big or small, people with integrity and honour find a loophole to avoid the things they cannot morally do.
Actually, I don't really think there is such a thing as %26quot;the greater good%26quot; and any country which places emphasis on that finds itself with a lot of problems.
%26quot;For the good of all%26quot; is the only thing that would make me consider serious changes.
In essence, I am a completely selfish, detached, but well-meaning and caring individual. I think I would rather die than give up my self-identity.
I follow my heart all the time and it often ends in conflict. But it brings me supporters and happiness too.It is not an easy road to travel, and has caused me much sorrow, but I am sure the sorrow would have been much greater had I let myself be persuaded to do something I didn't feel right about. I would no longer be me anymore. And that is all I have. So no matter how isolated I feel, caring is a big part of me and I can't give that up ever, even if it was what the majority of humans wanted me to do.
In conclusion; I would never do anything that lessened my own sense of being. I am more comfortable with myself than I am with an order or dictate.
I feel as in everyday i live i change the world. Most people care for genetic offspring but i think knowlegdge is what is more important. Self-identity should not have to sacrificed for the greater good. Self-identity should be about achieving the greater good.
Personally i don't fit in a pidgeon hole. I keep outgrowing them.
If it's for the better, then yes.
. . . AC/DC? . . .
I have often thought about what parts of my personality, memories, ego, and life I could give up. In the end I would not give up my morality - I would rather be erased from history and have never existed in any capacity than abandon my moral code.
Aside from that I would willingly destroy any aspecy of my mind and personality for any cause I considern worth dying for.
There are alot of things that I could change that would be an improvement. I think everyone could say that. The best thing that I have is my integrity, I wouldn't change that for anyone.
We change incessantly, second by second. Change is our only reality.
If changing the world we live in means changing yourself would you want to?
We are the world, the movements of our mind makes our world go round. What is happening now is the spectacular presentation of our collective selfish mentality. I can compare this life of us to a very big ship that is sinking. We are the passengers and each one is carrying a heavy stone (selfishness). If I see the truth that I'm carrying this load and everybody will die, I will throw away my heavy load to help the ship not to sink. So to change is just a modification of the self ( it is still the self), I think the answer is the total dissolution of this selfishness in me or this %26quot;me%26quot;. We have to really discover the texture of this fleeting shadow called %26quot;I%26quot;, %26quot;me%26quot;, %26quot;mine%26quot;. To see the falseness of my self is to see the everlasting truth about life.
If changing the world we live in means changing yourself would you want to?
good question, I think there are two answers to this, the reality and the theory.
In theory yes I would, in reality and this is an honest answer, dependant on what changes were required I may be a little resistant.. However my whole career has demanded change, change attitude, location, thinking - I work with people, person centred work, so have often had to change the way I think.. I would like to think I could.. but how much.. I honestly cant say?
An identity is very important. When you take a stand you do so because of the way you think and are. So it is part of your identity and strength. The identity can be very helpful to get your views across if you want to influence others and change a situation. Be it for the community you live in or to change the world. Along the way you realise that you will have to adapt to the process as the situation and the people will affect and shape the decisions that are being taken. Most times you will find that by retaining individual identities is the best way to learn and progress.
%26quot;You should be the change that you want to see in the world%26quot; - Mahatma Ghandi
Very good question. I sometimes think that I am who I am and won't change. Still, if it meant changing the world for the better, I probably would. Especially if it meant that my children and any future grandchildren would have a better life.
I think of this... Then I think that being me makes the world unique.It's not just me. Thousands of individuals being them selves make this world a unique and interesting place.
Change isn't always a bad thing, sometimes changing the world can make you a better person. However I might not change the world if it meant giving up something important to me (not materialistic).
Well for starters changing the world, doesnt mean changing your identity or selling your soul!-so you wouldnt have to :)
And anyone who believed this is quite foolish-or would readily want to change themselves.
I wouldnt ever give up my self identity for anyone or anything, unless there was something very wrong with my personality ;) (and even then i would probably be in my own denial that there was nothing at all wrong with it!) :)
To do good in the world, you dont need to change yourself-or alter your self identity- its the impact and good that you bring along with your self identity that has the power to change things.
I am not religious, but this is my belief :) Live for the moment!
That is indeed a super question.
Easy way out is to say - yes, I would want to change myself for changing the world.
Doing that is not easy, or else there would have been no need perhaps to change our world.
But, this is really too much. If I don't like this world, I thought I had two options - either I adjust or change the world. If the latter option also boils down to changing myself, well, where is the option ?
Whether easy or not, one has to change oneself if one wants his world to change. As a result, most people learn not to bother about the world as long as anything is not directly affecting them, right now. Sort of a reactive minimum action approach rather than a proactive forward looking one. And of course that is the reason our world is what it is and yet, we still think freedom of the individual is a highly laudable value.
Most people would give themselves up for the greater good, if, and only if the greater good was apperant and costly. For example, we view ourselves the sepreme beings on this earth, but if something were to happen and change that view, whether it be a plauge or another sepreme being, people would give up their individuality to fight/stand against something greater. As humans, we have a uncontrolable need to fight and reject something in our lives. That need must be forfilled somewhere, even if that means going to war with ourselves. If everything is going great in our lives, their is a part of us that says it wont last because we need to feel pain and difficulty. Indentities are forged out of this pain and confrontation, thus the mischief becomes personalized. Each of us change the world everyday, with everyone we see by changing their thinking structure, whether it is better or worse. Changing the world on a large scale will inevidably happen because people tend to group together to be heard. Being Human means being difficult and therefor having self identity, so to give up that, that identity we strive for, would be giving up being human. So the question is now, Are you willing to become something less that human to change the world???
Without self-identity you cease to exist. Identifying yourself as part of the human race is the essence of self-identity. I don't think it's possible to release your self-identity without a lobotomy. Additionally, who decides what is for the greater good? The majority, the most powerful (which is usually a minority), or those that have the most to gain? The problem with the question is that it can only exist in a theoretical environment. Human nature by its very existence demands something infinitely more complex. IMHO :)
Yes I would. In fact that is what I am trying very hard to do but with very little success.
I know it is easier said than done. But I think everyone has to change. Whether we like it or not. No one is perfect after all.
And all of these identities -race, religion etc. are not as constant as we want to believe. But the whole identity game is about believing that they are fixed. Even the identity of Me, Myself is not as fixed. It is constantly changing even if we do not consciously try to change it.
That would depend on whether I thought the changes were for the better or worse. I can adapt to a lot of things, but there is always this limit in me where I can't do something because it isn't being true to my own self. But I wonder if that would make much difference in the long run. Under every dictatorship, big or small, people with integrity and honour find a loophole to avoid the things they cannot morally do.
Actually, I don't really think there is such a thing as %26quot;the greater good%26quot; and any country which places emphasis on that finds itself with a lot of problems.
%26quot;For the good of all%26quot; is the only thing that would make me consider serious changes.
In essence, I am a completely selfish, detached, but well-meaning and caring individual. I think I would rather die than give up my self-identity.
I follow my heart all the time and it often ends in conflict. But it brings me supporters and happiness too.It is not an easy road to travel, and has caused me much sorrow, but I am sure the sorrow would have been much greater had I let myself be persuaded to do something I didn't feel right about. I would no longer be me anymore. And that is all I have. So no matter how isolated I feel, caring is a big part of me and I can't give that up ever, even if it was what the majority of humans wanted me to do.
In conclusion; I would never do anything that lessened my own sense of being. I am more comfortable with myself than I am with an order or dictate.
I feel as in everyday i live i change the world. Most people care for genetic offspring but i think knowlegdge is what is more important. Self-identity should not have to sacrificed for the greater good. Self-identity should be about achieving the greater good.
Personally i don't fit in a pidgeon hole. I keep outgrowing them.
If it's for the better, then yes.
. . . AC/DC? . . .
I have often thought about what parts of my personality, memories, ego, and life I could give up. In the end I would not give up my morality - I would rather be erased from history and have never existed in any capacity than abandon my moral code.
Aside from that I would willingly destroy any aspecy of my mind and personality for any cause I considern worth dying for.
There are alot of things that I could change that would be an improvement. I think everyone could say that. The best thing that I have is my integrity, I wouldn't change that for anyone.
We change incessantly, second by second. Change is our only reality.
Spiritual/Mental question: What is you?
The brain, of course, is you. It's all you are, and all that you will be. Your body can be long dead and gone, but if your brain is still around and can be sustained with nutrients, blood, and oxygen, you can still be alive.
However, at the same time, do we add part of our identity to the shell we exist in? What if yours was destroyed and your mind was put into another shell? Would your mind change as well, because you have lost part of what your mind has perceived as its identity? What if your new shell wasn't even human? What if your senses were altered due to the transfer; intensity of touch, smell, cone of vision? How much different will your mind change?
Spiritual/Mental question: What is you?
You know - as much as I like science-fiction, the more time that goes by in my life and the more I know about how the body works - I find that these sort of questions make for a great science-fiction novel, to consider one's existence.
It's really a bland-type of conversation, because it cannot happen. EVER.
When a brain is taken out from it's original place - there are SO MANY nerve processes, and chemicals that make it work that are lost and can never be repaired or replaced. It's an impossible procedure. The brain, believe it or not, is attached to your spine, it cannot exist without this %26quot;tail,%26quot; of nerve endings. Every nerve arm from the spine is responsible for a type of message, a conduit for chemical reaction, a support system for the proper function of the brain. Without these supporting instruments - the brain becomes useless.
The brain needs more than oxygen, nutrients, and blood to survive. It needs stimulation, it needs a hospitable environment, it needs chemicals to encourage processing during stimulation...it's quite an impossible task.
(I'm being a nerd, I know)
Spiritual/Mental question: What is you?
I am that I am.
A set of specific limitations.
Well, amputees can feel like part of themselves is missing. Things that were easy to do might be difficult or impossible. But, still, your brain is mostly who you are.
very thought provoking
I would like to hear your justification for your opening presumption when there are perfectly valid and sensible arguments to indicate that concious is external and the brain a simple switching mechanism
IJR is IJr, and you're not. Simple.
Your premise that your mind is all that you are is wrong so your question makes no sense.
ok, but what about soul my sister?
I am more than just a brain. I am the body that encompasses it. I am the substances the body is made of. I am the soul that is the brain made of the substances of the body that encompasses my self.
I'm an atheist and a multidimensional being of light, a fallen star/angel who came here to enjoy the lusts of the material realm.
And in your sad machines
Youll forever stay
Desperate and displeased - with whoever you are
And you're a star
You are your perception of the world.
That being said, if your perception changes- perception being sensory input and your brain's ability to understand it- you would change to some extent.
However, you are also your /past/ perception of the world. So the inherently 'you' part of yourself might not change, maybe just for a long time, maybe forever.
Take into consideration the effects different hormone levels can have on your mood, thoughts, and actions. Any different body, regardless of its gender, would have intensely different hormone levels and cycles. If your senses were also affected you would experience the world in a totally new way, your brain might process your experiences in an entirely different way, and your perception of everything would change- changing you.
The part that is mostly inherently 'you' is your thought patterns based on your perception. Until that changes your experience of yourself will remain relatively similar. Remember how much you as a person have changed as you aged. I do not even feel embarrassed for stupid things I did when I was a young child because I am essentially not the same person. (Really, medically speaking, I am in no way the same person- I have probably replaced every cell in my body at least once by now.)
I am the 2009 model end product of BILLIONS of years of Evolution ... our parents made us ... there is NO god
religion is a scam
Technically, we are our mind and heart because either or both can die.
We only use 7-10% of our brain. Isn't that interesting?
The heart has to do with our values, emotions, etc. For example, She %26quot;broke my heart%26quot;. You feel pain in your chest.
Matthew 15:18 %26quot;However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders,adulteries, fornications,thieveries,false testimonies, blasphemies.%26quot;
Every seven years we have totally different cells. Our perception is extremely interesting. The world is %26quot;as we say it is%26quot; . If I think the world is dangerous, it is because I will perceive all events, all stimuli through %26quot;those glasses%26quot; .So as a man thinketh, so is he. This is even deeper but space does not allow. WE ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING!
Hey... you're stoned!
There is no essential %26quot;You%26quot;, independent from the rest of the natural world. Everything exists in a state of interdependence. The brain concocts the perception of an independent self as an heuristic to navigate through the world. %26quot;You%26quot; is everything in existence.
What is you?
You're wrong, dead wrong. We have a spirit and a soul, not just a body. When we die our spirits separate from our bodies. We get another body, glorious body if we go to heaven. Otherwise we live in eternal torment separated from God for all eternity. In order to get saved, you must seek the Lord with all your heart, and he will find you looking for him. Once the transaction is made, you are a born again child of God, and you no longer believe in the lies Satan has been feeding you day and night for your whole life.
what is I? I is confused about question. which one of us is high? i think it might be you or me; i don't know I'm not a mindreader. if i is you and you is i who is i? banana
I have thought of this much having lived thru 60's and all I think we all go down to that one small spark that is eternal and divine. I have seen both spirits and primarily the little spirit lights. It is the small fast go anywhere spirit lights I think is who we are. our soul our spirit I think is one and the same. I do not canno explain all the things with the spirit lights I was not good at math physics etc There is a time after study and life a %26quot;knowing%26quot; comes. when I was 7 I used to give my mother answers for many questions and she would ask how do you know and I would answer essentially the same way even after much time and learning I just know/feel it right. So much of life we have to take on faith/belief like if I cannot see past the series of blind curves is the road still there, or do I stop and make sure it is? we all just have to do the best we can as we go along life; and then ditto the next step.
The soul and or spirit is the mind or thought process. what we accumulate from senses and experiences from time of birth.
If you are truly only allowing scientific evidence then your other parts of the question are somewhat invalid since the brain can not be transplanted into another species for the nerve endings and blood would not be compatible.
Have you read 'the minds I? Composed and arranged by Douglas R Hofstadter and Daniel C Dennett. This could be interesting reading for you. I personally 'think' that we are spiritual energies that are enclosed in a physical form that allows our existence in this realm. But there is so much more that we can not even acknowledge on this level of being. Imagine that we are actually a shell that encompasses many living entities that are separate and as unique as you feel that you are. Makes the statement 'the body, a temple' an interesting subject.
This is a great question. Why? I never considered asking it myself.
Of course, this is religion and spirituality: So, when I think of this question, I think of Jesus Christ, who, after his death took on different bodies, yet remained the same wonderful person he was before he died John 20:11-`18 Luke 24:15-53.
The Bible speaks of a resurrection from the dead, If a person has been dead a number of years, she/he would have to be resurrected in a new body. I love what the bible says, we are in God's memory John 5:28 calls them memorial tombs. Jehovah God can replace us with a new body.good myspace make a white substance foamy
However, at the same time, do we add part of our identity to the shell we exist in? What if yours was destroyed and your mind was put into another shell? Would your mind change as well, because you have lost part of what your mind has perceived as its identity? What if your new shell wasn't even human? What if your senses were altered due to the transfer; intensity of touch, smell, cone of vision? How much different will your mind change?
Spiritual/Mental question: What is you?
You know - as much as I like science-fiction, the more time that goes by in my life and the more I know about how the body works - I find that these sort of questions make for a great science-fiction novel, to consider one's existence.
It's really a bland-type of conversation, because it cannot happen. EVER.
When a brain is taken out from it's original place - there are SO MANY nerve processes, and chemicals that make it work that are lost and can never be repaired or replaced. It's an impossible procedure. The brain, believe it or not, is attached to your spine, it cannot exist without this %26quot;tail,%26quot; of nerve endings. Every nerve arm from the spine is responsible for a type of message, a conduit for chemical reaction, a support system for the proper function of the brain. Without these supporting instruments - the brain becomes useless.
The brain needs more than oxygen, nutrients, and blood to survive. It needs stimulation, it needs a hospitable environment, it needs chemicals to encourage processing during stimulation...it's quite an impossible task.
(I'm being a nerd, I know)
Spiritual/Mental question: What is you?
I am that I am.
A set of specific limitations.
Well, amputees can feel like part of themselves is missing. Things that were easy to do might be difficult or impossible. But, still, your brain is mostly who you are.
very thought provoking
I would like to hear your justification for your opening presumption when there are perfectly valid and sensible arguments to indicate that concious is external and the brain a simple switching mechanism
IJR is IJr, and you're not. Simple.
Your premise that your mind is all that you are is wrong so your question makes no sense.
ok, but what about soul my sister?
I am more than just a brain. I am the body that encompasses it. I am the substances the body is made of. I am the soul that is the brain made of the substances of the body that encompasses my self.
I'm an atheist and a multidimensional being of light, a fallen star/angel who came here to enjoy the lusts of the material realm.
And in your sad machines
Youll forever stay
Desperate and displeased - with whoever you are
And you're a star
You are your perception of the world.
That being said, if your perception changes- perception being sensory input and your brain's ability to understand it- you would change to some extent.
However, you are also your /past/ perception of the world. So the inherently 'you' part of yourself might not change, maybe just for a long time, maybe forever.
Take into consideration the effects different hormone levels can have on your mood, thoughts, and actions. Any different body, regardless of its gender, would have intensely different hormone levels and cycles. If your senses were also affected you would experience the world in a totally new way, your brain might process your experiences in an entirely different way, and your perception of everything would change- changing you.
The part that is mostly inherently 'you' is your thought patterns based on your perception. Until that changes your experience of yourself will remain relatively similar. Remember how much you as a person have changed as you aged. I do not even feel embarrassed for stupid things I did when I was a young child because I am essentially not the same person. (Really, medically speaking, I am in no way the same person- I have probably replaced every cell in my body at least once by now.)
I am the 2009 model end product of BILLIONS of years of Evolution ... our parents made us ... there is NO god
religion is a scam
Technically, we are our mind and heart because either or both can die.
We only use 7-10% of our brain. Isn't that interesting?
The heart has to do with our values, emotions, etc. For example, She %26quot;broke my heart%26quot;. You feel pain in your chest.
Matthew 15:18 %26quot;However, the things proceeding out of the mouth come out of the heart, and those things defile a man. For example, out of the heart come wicked reasonings, murders,adulteries, fornications,thieveries,false testimonies, blasphemies.%26quot;
Every seven years we have totally different cells. Our perception is extremely interesting. The world is %26quot;as we say it is%26quot; . If I think the world is dangerous, it is because I will perceive all events, all stimuli through %26quot;those glasses%26quot; .So as a man thinketh, so is he. This is even deeper but space does not allow. WE ARE CONSTANTLY CHANGING!
Hey... you're stoned!
There is no essential %26quot;You%26quot;, independent from the rest of the natural world. Everything exists in a state of interdependence. The brain concocts the perception of an independent self as an heuristic to navigate through the world. %26quot;You%26quot; is everything in existence.
What is you?
You're wrong, dead wrong. We have a spirit and a soul, not just a body. When we die our spirits separate from our bodies. We get another body, glorious body if we go to heaven. Otherwise we live in eternal torment separated from God for all eternity. In order to get saved, you must seek the Lord with all your heart, and he will find you looking for him. Once the transaction is made, you are a born again child of God, and you no longer believe in the lies Satan has been feeding you day and night for your whole life.
what is I? I is confused about question. which one of us is high? i think it might be you or me; i don't know I'm not a mindreader. if i is you and you is i who is i? banana
I have thought of this much having lived thru 60's and all I think we all go down to that one small spark that is eternal and divine. I have seen both spirits and primarily the little spirit lights. It is the small fast go anywhere spirit lights I think is who we are. our soul our spirit I think is one and the same. I do not canno explain all the things with the spirit lights I was not good at math physics etc There is a time after study and life a %26quot;knowing%26quot; comes. when I was 7 I used to give my mother answers for many questions and she would ask how do you know and I would answer essentially the same way even after much time and learning I just know/feel it right. So much of life we have to take on faith/belief like if I cannot see past the series of blind curves is the road still there, or do I stop and make sure it is? we all just have to do the best we can as we go along life; and then ditto the next step.
The soul and or spirit is the mind or thought process. what we accumulate from senses and experiences from time of birth.
If you are truly only allowing scientific evidence then your other parts of the question are somewhat invalid since the brain can not be transplanted into another species for the nerve endings and blood would not be compatible.
Have you read 'the minds I? Composed and arranged by Douglas R Hofstadter and Daniel C Dennett. This could be interesting reading for you. I personally 'think' that we are spiritual energies that are enclosed in a physical form that allows our existence in this realm. But there is so much more that we can not even acknowledge on this level of being. Imagine that we are actually a shell that encompasses many living entities that are separate and as unique as you feel that you are. Makes the statement 'the body, a temple' an interesting subject.
This is a great question. Why? I never considered asking it myself.
Of course, this is religion and spirituality: So, when I think of this question, I think of Jesus Christ, who, after his death took on different bodies, yet remained the same wonderful person he was before he died John 20:11-`18 Luke 24:15-53.
The Bible speaks of a resurrection from the dead, If a person has been dead a number of years, she/he would have to be resurrected in a new body. I love what the bible says, we are in God's memory John 5:28 calls them memorial tombs. Jehovah God can replace us with a new body.
Do you ever feel like the life is being sucked right out of you?
People are always making demands on your time,wanting this and wanting that from you to the point that you feel you've given so much of yourself that you have lost your own identity and no longer have anything left to give?
This has finally happened to me,and I have so many people depending on me to always remain strong and be there for them. But,I feel like I'm running on empty and have nothing left to give. I have always been the one my family turned to in times of need,and I've always done my best to help,always setting aside my own needs and emotions for theirs. But now I'm finding myself somewhat resentful of their constant leaning on me,because I feel the need to lean on someone else for a change.
If you have been in a similar situation,do you have any advice for me? How do I replenish myself?
Do you ever feel like the life is being sucked right out of you?
Yes, I understand what you mean. I finally started taking time for myself. I looked back at the things I used to enjoy (and I had to think back quite a ways) and decided to try it again to see if I still enjoyed it. In my case it was community theater. I get out of the house for a little while a few nights a weeks, dust off some underused talents %26amp; interact with people who have no expectations for me to do anything except what I came there to do. And best of all, I get recognition when I've done something well.
Find what you enjoy or sign up for a class to learn something new. Even if it's just once a week, it will be your time where you can leave all other concerns behind and refill your own reserves. I know it may seem like adding something else to do when you already feel stretched too thin, but it can in fact be a great respite.
Also, learn to say no. When you are feeling overwhelmed just say no to the next request - without guilt. I promise the world will not fall apart if you can't be there once in a while. And your family will find new ways to support each other.
Do you ever feel like the life is being sucked right out of you?
Sorry to respond so late.
As a mom of two young ones at home, I get to feeling this way some times. My solution has been to take day trips once every week or two. It keeps excitment in our lives. For example, last week we drove to an underground cavern in Virginia and toured.
Ohhh, poor me. I am so needed. Everyone depends on me, me, me. I'm running on empty, oh poor, poor me. Go hide and cry. I have advice. Whine somewhere else.
Go to Iraq. Bush is blowing the life out of people there..
And what happens if you get sick or worse? Self reliance is important to servival. Choose a day that will cause the least disruption and declare it self reliance day. Everybody fends for themselves. The leave if you have to get them to do for themselves. Do that everyweek. Then expand it till you have a load that you can handle.
yes i have been in similar situations and know of others too.
Firstly sounds like you need a holiday away from everyone!
My advice would be to try and do something for yourself regularly, such as going swimming, join a club, help other people who cant demand of you.
Let everyone know that your joining a club ect. and its something you really want to do. People need to get used to the fact that you will not always be there. But the biggest thing you could do would be to say no sometimes.
It has been written that God does not give you more than you can handle, but it sure feel like he has sometimes, especially when you become a care taker. Getting alone even for a walk and clearing your mind will help. Perhaps meditation. Even Jesus had to get away and find peace. If life becomes resentful, then that is a warning sign to back off and speak up. Sometime people have to learn to take care of themselves. You become an enabler if you continue to bail them out.
You need to Love yourself enough to say whoa.
You just need a break perhaps. Help people help themselves.
These are the only suggestions I have. I was a care taker for 6 years and I survives, but not without scars. I look at it now; I wish I could have done more. Sometimes I would shut down.
Maybe see this as a service to God. That helps me to carry on. With unconditional Love, serving is reward enough. Rev. TomCat
Ah yes, I hear you loud and clear. I refer to these people in my life as human vampires. They suck the life force out of me.
What I have done is to find people who are positive and supportive. There are now more of this type than the vampires.
I learned to say no to draining people, in a gentle manner, and therefore, do not get any hostility back. This was hard for me to do at first, but I eventually learned. Practice makes perfect is indeed true!
This has finally happened to me,and I have so many people depending on me to always remain strong and be there for them. But,I feel like I'm running on empty and have nothing left to give. I have always been the one my family turned to in times of need,and I've always done my best to help,always setting aside my own needs and emotions for theirs. But now I'm finding myself somewhat resentful of their constant leaning on me,because I feel the need to lean on someone else for a change.
If you have been in a similar situation,do you have any advice for me? How do I replenish myself?
Do you ever feel like the life is being sucked right out of you?
Yes, I understand what you mean. I finally started taking time for myself. I looked back at the things I used to enjoy (and I had to think back quite a ways) and decided to try it again to see if I still enjoyed it. In my case it was community theater. I get out of the house for a little while a few nights a weeks, dust off some underused talents %26amp; interact with people who have no expectations for me to do anything except what I came there to do. And best of all, I get recognition when I've done something well.
Find what you enjoy or sign up for a class to learn something new. Even if it's just once a week, it will be your time where you can leave all other concerns behind and refill your own reserves. I know it may seem like adding something else to do when you already feel stretched too thin, but it can in fact be a great respite.
Also, learn to say no. When you are feeling overwhelmed just say no to the next request - without guilt. I promise the world will not fall apart if you can't be there once in a while. And your family will find new ways to support each other.
Do you ever feel like the life is being sucked right out of you?
Sorry to respond so late.
As a mom of two young ones at home, I get to feeling this way some times. My solution has been to take day trips once every week or two. It keeps excitment in our lives. For example, last week we drove to an underground cavern in Virginia and toured.
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Ohhh, poor me. I am so needed. Everyone depends on me, me, me. I'm running on empty, oh poor, poor me. Go hide and cry. I have advice. Whine somewhere else.
Go to Iraq. Bush is blowing the life out of people there..
And what happens if you get sick or worse? Self reliance is important to servival. Choose a day that will cause the least disruption and declare it self reliance day. Everybody fends for themselves. The leave if you have to get them to do for themselves. Do that everyweek. Then expand it till you have a load that you can handle.
yes i have been in similar situations and know of others too.
Firstly sounds like you need a holiday away from everyone!
My advice would be to try and do something for yourself regularly, such as going swimming, join a club, help other people who cant demand of you.
Let everyone know that your joining a club ect. and its something you really want to do. People need to get used to the fact that you will not always be there. But the biggest thing you could do would be to say no sometimes.
It has been written that God does not give you more than you can handle, but it sure feel like he has sometimes, especially when you become a care taker. Getting alone even for a walk and clearing your mind will help. Perhaps meditation. Even Jesus had to get away and find peace. If life becomes resentful, then that is a warning sign to back off and speak up. Sometime people have to learn to take care of themselves. You become an enabler if you continue to bail them out.
You need to Love yourself enough to say whoa.
You just need a break perhaps. Help people help themselves.
These are the only suggestions I have. I was a care taker for 6 years and I survives, but not without scars. I look at it now; I wish I could have done more. Sometimes I would shut down.
Maybe see this as a service to God. That helps me to carry on. With unconditional Love, serving is reward enough. Rev. TomCat
Ah yes, I hear you loud and clear. I refer to these people in my life as human vampires. They suck the life force out of me.
What I have done is to find people who are positive and supportive. There are now more of this type than the vampires.
I learned to say no to draining people, in a gentle manner, and therefore, do not get any hostility back. This was hard for me to do at first, but I eventually learned. Practice makes perfect is indeed true!
Give me your thoughts on this verse?
Getting my point across is a priority but in rap im the minority/
So I give you presents with my presence and leave in every word a part of me/
Cause people these days want more than they can have/
Like the star quarterback runnin to catch his own pass/
I want to stimulate minds of kids who get what they want and not what they need/
So when the time comes to stand up they can get off their knees/
But how can I change their ways when im not even beyond their days/
Time pays more dividends then crime will every sway/
Ill tell ya right now to listen to me because I got the drive/
And wisdom like happiness is just another state of mind/
Reachable through all the people who hang up their face/
Who don鈥檛 realize to sit back and think, life鈥檚 not a race/
When you finally realize your secret identity/
The revolution will be that much closer to sanity/
Give me your thoughts on this verse?
These are good lyrics, shows determination. Sounds like something %26quot;The Teacher%26quot; from KRS-ONE would say. Has a relaxed vibe about it as well.
Give me your thoughts on this verse?
i liked it...very soul rebelish
Good, but you are making some of the same mistakes as me:
Every two lines don't neccessarily have to rhyme or be a witty phrase..
It also depends on what beat you put this too, theres a specific beat pattern in hip-hop, I forget what it was called..
Looks like you got the syllabes per line under good control, good job
And you got the main message there too, so that's good.
Its hot, very deep and I like the message it brings
So I give you presents with my presence and leave in every word a part of me/
Cause people these days want more than they can have/
Like the star quarterback runnin to catch his own pass/
I want to stimulate minds of kids who get what they want and not what they need/
So when the time comes to stand up they can get off their knees/
But how can I change their ways when im not even beyond their days/
Time pays more dividends then crime will every sway/
Ill tell ya right now to listen to me because I got the drive/
And wisdom like happiness is just another state of mind/
Reachable through all the people who hang up their face/
Who don鈥檛 realize to sit back and think, life鈥檚 not a race/
When you finally realize your secret identity/
The revolution will be that much closer to sanity/
Give me your thoughts on this verse?
These are good lyrics, shows determination. Sounds like something %26quot;The Teacher%26quot; from KRS-ONE would say. Has a relaxed vibe about it as well.
Give me your thoughts on this verse?
i liked it...very soul rebelish
Good, but you are making some of the same mistakes as me:
Every two lines don't neccessarily have to rhyme or be a witty phrase..
It also depends on what beat you put this too, theres a specific beat pattern in hip-hop, I forget what it was called..
Looks like you got the syllabes per line under good control, good job
And you got the main message there too, so that's good.
Its hot, very deep and I like the message it brings
What are your opinions on this article about "Gay is wrong" ?
The teenage years are your hardest years of your life. At this point of time, it is where you learn the most about youself and truly discover who you really are. As one gets a wrong impression about their identity, their whole future is on the line. It is very easy to make a wrong choice, especially if it involves your future directly. Deciding that you are attracted to the same gender or becoming gay would be one of those fatal mistakes.
There are many types of feelings. Some feelings are inborn. Others are from the enviornment and how you are raised. All of us have some feelings we didn’t choose, but we still have the power to resist and reform them. As you’re discovering, you have had some feelings towards others of the same gender. What you’re feeling is not bad or wrong. The wrong thing is yeilding to those feelings. Everyone is tempted to do some things that aren’t right. That’s not unique. Some people just have to be temped with certain things that others don’t have to be. If we give in to those temptations, they will increase in power and become even harder to resist.
You may feel that these urges to become a homosexual are coming without your power. You may also feel that you have no control over them and that is who you are supposed to be. Yes, those feelings are coming involuntarily, but they don’t need to be acted upon. Our society has the notion that merely because one has an inclination to do something, that it has to be carried out and those urges can’t be avoided. The truth is, we can avoid and stop those feelings. We do have the power to control our behavior.
Here is a young gay man that may change your outlook on deciding to be gay. This narration is not only about this man’s expereience, but is told by him:
“My name is Eric and I am a homosexual, or simply put, gay. A few years ago, I wanted to be with a partner. I wanted another gay man to spend my life with. Since marriage isn’t an option (unless we go to California), I wanted someone who would be willing to live with me. Soon after this decision, I found a great gay man named James. He wasn’t all that I was looking for, but he was wonderful anyway. A couple of months passed and James just wasn’t working out with me. We fought a lot, he was negative all the time, he didn’t know how to cook and wasn’t even willing to learn, and he was constantly telling me my faults. He soon moved out and I became single again. Now, a year later, a single ‘straight’ woman has moved into the apartment next to mine. Ashley, as this was her name, is one of the best girls I have ever met. She has so much more to offer than James did! By meeting Ashley, it made me realize that I didn’t want to become gay at all. It occurred to me that there is more to ‘choose from’ in women than there is in gay men. I have more of a variety and a better chance I’ll find a more rewarding relationship. After meeting Ashley, I decided to no longer be gay. As of a year and half, Ashley and I are happily married and have a beautiful little baby girl.”
By understanding these important issues about being gay, one really sees the advantages of being “straight”. When picking an eternal companion there are more choices. In relation to the numbers of women there are to gay men, there are more women to pick from. If you have more women, there is more of a chance to find the “perfect partner” that is just right for you.
The homosexual thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not good to have. They shoud be controlled and eliminated. By yielding to these thoughts and feelings, you will have consequences. You will forever look at a male and have lustful thoughts if they are not controlled.
If you do decide to “become gay”, some things that people say will have a profound effect on you. They will say words that people use to put down others that are related to gay issues. By being gay, these words will become even more offencive to you.
Becoming gay also means that you will most likely find another gay partner. You could then decide to get married in California where gay marriages are legalized. You should know now that that would not be a wise decision in the first place. Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeudic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices. People with these feelings cannot enter marriage in a healthy relationship.
Another reason for not becoming gay is missing the oppourtunity to have natural children. As you well know, if you are a homosexual you can’t have children with your same sex. You will be missing the great joy and satisfaction of having a baby that is you and your wife’s. There is something special in having a child. Yes, you can adopt children, but the feeling of love and compassion that is there when you have your own child will not be the same.
The wisest for you, who is afflicted with same gender attraction, is to strive to extend your horizon beyond just your sexual or gender orientation.
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
It's not a choice. Not a conscious decision. You are either gay or your not. You can still be happy either way. No one %26quot;chooses%26quot; their sexual orientation. No one can fake it either.
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
It's been scientifically proven that being gay is something you are born with. The gay male brain has the same function as a female brain. Just about. It's stupid how people can't just accept the fact that people are gay and they are allowed the same choices in life as well as the same happiness
There are many types of feelings. Some feelings are inborn. Others are from the enviornment and how you are raised. All of us have some feelings we didn’t choose, but we still have the power to resist and reform them. As you’re discovering, you have had some feelings towards others of the same gender. What you’re feeling is not bad or wrong. The wrong thing is yeilding to those feelings. Everyone is tempted to do some things that aren’t right. That’s not unique. Some people just have to be temped with certain things that others don’t have to be. If we give in to those temptations, they will increase in power and become even harder to resist.
You may feel that these urges to become a homosexual are coming without your power. You may also feel that you have no control over them and that is who you are supposed to be. Yes, those feelings are coming involuntarily, but they don’t need to be acted upon. Our society has the notion that merely because one has an inclination to do something, that it has to be carried out and those urges can’t be avoided. The truth is, we can avoid and stop those feelings. We do have the power to control our behavior.
Here is a young gay man that may change your outlook on deciding to be gay. This narration is not only about this man’s expereience, but is told by him:
“My name is Eric and I am a homosexual, or simply put, gay. A few years ago, I wanted to be with a partner. I wanted another gay man to spend my life with. Since marriage isn’t an option (unless we go to California), I wanted someone who would be willing to live with me. Soon after this decision, I found a great gay man named James. He wasn’t all that I was looking for, but he was wonderful anyway. A couple of months passed and James just wasn’t working out with me. We fought a lot, he was negative all the time, he didn’t know how to cook and wasn’t even willing to learn, and he was constantly telling me my faults. He soon moved out and I became single again. Now, a year later, a single ‘straight’ woman has moved into the apartment next to mine. Ashley, as this was her name, is one of the best girls I have ever met. She has so much more to offer than James did! By meeting Ashley, it made me realize that I didn’t want to become gay at all. It occurred to me that there is more to ‘choose from’ in women than there is in gay men. I have more of a variety and a better chance I’ll find a more rewarding relationship. After meeting Ashley, I decided to no longer be gay. As of a year and half, Ashley and I are happily married and have a beautiful little baby girl.”
By understanding these important issues about being gay, one really sees the advantages of being “straight”. When picking an eternal companion there are more choices. In relation to the numbers of women there are to gay men, there are more women to pick from. If you have more women, there is more of a chance to find the “perfect partner” that is just right for you.
The homosexual thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not good to have. They shoud be controlled and eliminated. By yielding to these thoughts and feelings, you will have consequences. You will forever look at a male and have lustful thoughts if they are not controlled.
If you do decide to “become gay”, some things that people say will have a profound effect on you. They will say words that people use to put down others that are related to gay issues. By being gay, these words will become even more offencive to you.
Becoming gay also means that you will most likely find another gay partner. You could then decide to get married in California where gay marriages are legalized. You should know now that that would not be a wise decision in the first place. Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeudic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices. People with these feelings cannot enter marriage in a healthy relationship.
Another reason for not becoming gay is missing the oppourtunity to have natural children. As you well know, if you are a homosexual you can’t have children with your same sex. You will be missing the great joy and satisfaction of having a baby that is you and your wife’s. There is something special in having a child. Yes, you can adopt children, but the feeling of love and compassion that is there when you have your own child will not be the same.
The wisest for you, who is afflicted with same gender attraction, is to strive to extend your horizon beyond just your sexual or gender orientation.
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
It's not a choice. Not a conscious decision. You are either gay or your not. You can still be happy either way. No one %26quot;chooses%26quot; their sexual orientation. No one can fake it either.
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
It's been scientifically proven that being gay is something you are born with. The gay male brain has the same function as a female brain. Just about. It's stupid how people can't just accept the fact that people are gay and they are allowed the same choices in life as well as the same happiness
What are your opinions on this article about "Gay is wrong" ?
The teenage years are your hardest years of your life. At this point of time, it is where you learn the most about youself and truly discover who you really are. As one gets a wrong impression about their identity, their whole future is on the line. It is very easy to make a wrong choice, especially if it involves your future directly. Deciding that you are attracted to the same gender or becoming gay would be one of those fatal mistakes.
There are many types of feelings. Some feelings are inborn. Others are from the enviornment and how you are raised. All of us have some feelings we didn’t choose, but we still have the power to resist and reform them. As you’re discovering, you have had some feelings towards others of the same gender. What you’re feeling is not bad or wrong. The wrong thing is yeilding to those feelings. Everyone is tempted to do some things that aren’t right. That’s not unique. Some people just have to be temped with certain things that others don’t have to be. If we give in to those temptations, they will increase in power and become even harder to resist.
You may feel that these urges to become a homosexual are coming without your power. You may also feel that you have no control over them and that is who you are supposed to be. Yes, those feelings are coming involuntarily, but they don’t need to be acted upon. Our society has the notion that merely because one has an inclination to do something, that it has to be carried out and those urges can’t be avoided. The truth is, we can avoid and stop those feelings. We do have the power to control our behavior.
Here is a young gay man that may change your outlook on deciding to be gay. This narration is not only about this man’s expereience, but is told by him:
“My name is Eric and I am a homosexual, or simply put, gay. A few years ago, I wanted to be with a partner. I wanted another gay man to spend my life with. Since marriage isn’t an option (unless we go to California), I wanted someone who would be willing to live with me. Soon after this decision, I found a great gay man named James. He wasn’t all that I was looking for, but he was wonderful anyway. A couple of months passed and James just wasn’t working out with me. We fought a lot, he was negative all the time, he didn’t know how to cook and wasn’t even willing to learn, and he was constantly telling me my faults. He soon moved out and I became single again. Now, a year later, a single ‘straight’ woman has moved into the apartment next to mine. Ashley, as this was her name, is one of the best girls I have ever met. She has so much more to offer than James did! By meeting Ashley, it made me realize that I didn’t want to become gay at all. It occurred to me that there is more to ‘choose from’ in women than there is in gay men. I have more of a variety and a better chance I’ll find a more rewarding relationship. After meeting Ashley, I decided to no longer be gay. As of a year and half, Ashley and I are happily married and have a beautiful little baby girl.”
By understanding these important issues about being gay, one really sees the advantages of being “straight”. When picking an eternal companion there are more choices. In relation to the numbers of women there are to gay men, there are more women to pick from. If you have more women, there is more of a chance to find the “perfect partner” that is just right for you.
The homosexual thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not good to have. They shoud be controlled and eliminated. By yielding to these thoughts and feelings, you will have consequences. You will forever look at a male and have lustful thoughts if they are not controlled.
If you do decide to “become gay”, some things that people say will have a profound effect on you. They will say words that people use to put down others that are related to gay issues. By being gay, these words will become even more offencive to you.
Becoming gay also means that you will most likely find another gay partner. You could then decide to get married in California where gay marriages are legalized. You should know now that that would not be a wise decision in the first place. Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeudic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices. People with these feelings cannot enter marriage in a healthy relationship.
Another reason for not becoming gay is missing the oppourtunity to have natural children. As you well know, if you are a homosexual you can’t have children with your same sex. You will be missing the great joy and satisfaction of having a baby that is you and your wife’s. There is something special in having a child. Yes, you can adopt children, but the feeling of love and compassion that is there when you have your own child will not be the same.
The wisest for you, who is afflicted with same gender attraction, is to strive to extend your horizon beyond just your sexual or gender orientation. Try to se
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I Think it's a load of bull crap
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I think it's wrong!
My opinion on that article...
The whole article is just an opinion in itself, the opinion of, probably, the one person that was involved in writing it. Everyone has an opinion, doesn't mean I care about this one.
Yeah right!!!! That's bullshit, the good one
I think that this article is heinous. Its proof that some people value form over substance. Why follow your heart when you can do something that looks good?
The guy in the article who decided not to be gay went through a lackluster relationship. That happens to everybody. He acts as if women were so much better. I have seen my straight friends go through some pretty horrible relationships. Every relationship that you go through will fail, until one doesn't. People often need the experience of a few relationships before they settle into the right one. That's life. If someone wants to lie to themselves and believe that everything is perfect because their relationship is heterosexual, then they can be my guest. I don't want to waste my time contending with that mental bs storm.
There are many types of feelings. Some feelings are inborn. Others are from the enviornment and how you are raised. All of us have some feelings we didn’t choose, but we still have the power to resist and reform them. As you’re discovering, you have had some feelings towards others of the same gender. What you’re feeling is not bad or wrong. The wrong thing is yeilding to those feelings. Everyone is tempted to do some things that aren’t right. That’s not unique. Some people just have to be temped with certain things that others don’t have to be. If we give in to those temptations, they will increase in power and become even harder to resist.
You may feel that these urges to become a homosexual are coming without your power. You may also feel that you have no control over them and that is who you are supposed to be. Yes, those feelings are coming involuntarily, but they don’t need to be acted upon. Our society has the notion that merely because one has an inclination to do something, that it has to be carried out and those urges can’t be avoided. The truth is, we can avoid and stop those feelings. We do have the power to control our behavior.
Here is a young gay man that may change your outlook on deciding to be gay. This narration is not only about this man’s expereience, but is told by him:
“My name is Eric and I am a homosexual, or simply put, gay. A few years ago, I wanted to be with a partner. I wanted another gay man to spend my life with. Since marriage isn’t an option (unless we go to California), I wanted someone who would be willing to live with me. Soon after this decision, I found a great gay man named James. He wasn’t all that I was looking for, but he was wonderful anyway. A couple of months passed and James just wasn’t working out with me. We fought a lot, he was negative all the time, he didn’t know how to cook and wasn’t even willing to learn, and he was constantly telling me my faults. He soon moved out and I became single again. Now, a year later, a single ‘straight’ woman has moved into the apartment next to mine. Ashley, as this was her name, is one of the best girls I have ever met. She has so much more to offer than James did! By meeting Ashley, it made me realize that I didn’t want to become gay at all. It occurred to me that there is more to ‘choose from’ in women than there is in gay men. I have more of a variety and a better chance I’ll find a more rewarding relationship. After meeting Ashley, I decided to no longer be gay. As of a year and half, Ashley and I are happily married and have a beautiful little baby girl.”
By understanding these important issues about being gay, one really sees the advantages of being “straight”. When picking an eternal companion there are more choices. In relation to the numbers of women there are to gay men, there are more women to pick from. If you have more women, there is more of a chance to find the “perfect partner” that is just right for you.
The homosexual thoughts and feelings you are experiencing are not good to have. They shoud be controlled and eliminated. By yielding to these thoughts and feelings, you will have consequences. You will forever look at a male and have lustful thoughts if they are not controlled.
If you do decide to “become gay”, some things that people say will have a profound effect on you. They will say words that people use to put down others that are related to gay issues. By being gay, these words will become even more offencive to you.
Becoming gay also means that you will most likely find another gay partner. You could then decide to get married in California where gay marriages are legalized. You should know now that that would not be a wise decision in the first place. Marriage should not be viewed as a therapeudic step to solve problems such as homosexual inclinations or practices. People with these feelings cannot enter marriage in a healthy relationship.
Another reason for not becoming gay is missing the oppourtunity to have natural children. As you well know, if you are a homosexual you can’t have children with your same sex. You will be missing the great joy and satisfaction of having a baby that is you and your wife’s. There is something special in having a child. Yes, you can adopt children, but the feeling of love and compassion that is there when you have your own child will not be the same.
The wisest for you, who is afflicted with same gender attraction, is to strive to extend your horizon beyond just your sexual or gender orientation. Try to se
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I Think it's a load of bull crap
What are your opinions on this article about %26quot;Gay is wrong%26quot; ?
I think it's wrong!
My opinion on that article...
The whole article is just an opinion in itself, the opinion of, probably, the one person that was involved in writing it. Everyone has an opinion, doesn't mean I care about this one.
Yeah right!!!! That's bullshit, the good one
I think that this article is heinous. Its proof that some people value form over substance. Why follow your heart when you can do something that looks good?
The guy in the article who decided not to be gay went through a lackluster relationship. That happens to everybody. He acts as if women were so much better. I have seen my straight friends go through some pretty horrible relationships. Every relationship that you go through will fail, until one doesn't. People often need the experience of a few relationships before they settle into the right one. That's life. If someone wants to lie to themselves and believe that everything is perfect because their relationship is heterosexual, then they can be my guest. I don't want to waste my time contending with that mental bs storm.
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
If you are a yoga teacher or a fitness trainer and have received compliments or thanks from your students, what has been the feeling of receiving it?
If you are a student and have felt the positive impact of your fitness or yoga teacher's personality or attention, how have you felt about it? How has it changed your life?
If you own a fitness centre and have one or few of your teachers/staff who has gained a positive attention from your students, how has it positively affected your business?
Please write to me. If you can email me your experience, please do that.
I am on a verge of changing my career from sales to a fitness trainer. But I want to make sure if it is going to be a POSITIVE move and impact on the people I will be training...it may be worth it. If its an insignificant identity, I may have to rethink before I can do it.
All views are most welcome!
Thanks to all who contribute!
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
a teacher or a trainer influences his students by his sincerity n devotion n knowledge.
the student influences the guru by his sincere devotion.fall back in love with your husband vb
If you are a yoga teacher or a fitness trainer and have received compliments or thanks from your students, what has been the feeling of receiving it?
If you are a student and have felt the positive impact of your fitness or yoga teacher's personality or attention, how have you felt about it? How has it changed your life?
If you own a fitness centre and have one or few of your teachers/staff who has gained a positive attention from your students, how has it positively affected your business?
Please write to me. If you can email me your experience, please do that.
I am on a verge of changing my career from sales to a fitness trainer. But I want to make sure if it is going to be a POSITIVE move and impact on the people I will be training...it may be worth it. If its an insignificant identity, I may have to rethink before I can do it.
All views are most welcome!
Thanks to all who contribute!
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
a teacher or a trainer influences his students by his sincerity n devotion n knowledge.
the student influences the guru by his sincere devotion.
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
If you are a yoga teacher or a fitness trainer and have received compliments or thanks from your students, what has been the feeling of receiving it?
If you are a student and have felt the positive impact of your fitness or yoga teacher's personality or attention, how have you felt about it? How has it changed your life?
If you own a fitness centre and have one or few of your teachers/staff who has gained a positive attention from your students, how has it positively affected your business?
Please write to me. If you can email me your experience, please do that.
I am on a verge of changing my career from sales to a fitness trainer. But I want to make sure if it is going to be a POSITIVE move and impact on the people I will be training...it may be worth it. If its an insignificant identity, I may have to rethink before I can do it.
All views are most welcome!
Thanks to all who contribute!
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
Fitness training, is about physical aspect and might include mental fitness too to certain extent.
Yoga is understood in too many different ways.
Certain postures, which are called Yoga-Aasanas are also called as Yoga. And they are practiced and taught for totally different purpose.
The popular purpose is again some kind of physical fitness. The less popular one is spiritual.
As a career, a Fitness Trainer has increasing scope to flourish. The present day life style is assuring two professions a very bright future. One is physical fitness and the other is psychiatry. So, taking up a career of Fitness trainer with a little bit of training in counselling, psychiatry would ensure almost a monopoly as a person offering both under one roof! One main precaution to be taken is the Fitness trainer has to also look fit! Something like, a wrestling trainer has to look good enough to take a beating at least once in a while, and not a skin and bones person!
If you are a student and have felt the positive impact of your fitness or yoga teacher's personality or attention, how have you felt about it? How has it changed your life?
If you own a fitness centre and have one or few of your teachers/staff who has gained a positive attention from your students, how has it positively affected your business?
Please write to me. If you can email me your experience, please do that.
I am on a verge of changing my career from sales to a fitness trainer. But I want to make sure if it is going to be a POSITIVE move and impact on the people I will be training...it may be worth it. If its an insignificant identity, I may have to rethink before I can do it.
All views are most welcome!
Thanks to all who contribute!
How can a Yoga Teacher or a Fitness Trainer Positively impact on his students life?
Fitness training, is about physical aspect and might include mental fitness too to certain extent.
Yoga is understood in too many different ways.
Certain postures, which are called Yoga-Aasanas are also called as Yoga. And they are practiced and taught for totally different purpose.
The popular purpose is again some kind of physical fitness. The less popular one is spiritual.
As a career, a Fitness Trainer has increasing scope to flourish. The present day life style is assuring two professions a very bright future. One is physical fitness and the other is psychiatry. So, taking up a career of Fitness trainer with a little bit of training in counselling, psychiatry would ensure almost a monopoly as a person offering both under one roof! One main precaution to be taken is the Fitness trainer has to also look fit! Something like, a wrestling trainer has to look good enough to take a beating at least once in a while, and not a skin and bones person!
I'm doing a story of 12 pictures. I've tried to think of an idea and just can't decide on one. Help please.?
Ive done mind maps, asked advice from friends and cant think of one. The theme is identity. The ideas i think of are too simple i think.
They are:
Story 1- Changing your personality to fit in, and dumping your friends to be popular
Story 2- Showing your personality through images, eg: friendly, excitable, louise voice etc ... identifying your personality
Story 3- Someone deciding who they are, different stereotypes
Story 4- Trying to pick a career, identify who you will be. Singer, photographer, lawyer, artist etc,
Story 5- Identified by your reputation .. A funny person, everyone laughs.
Story 6- Masquerade ball. (Would be difficult to do)
Out of these ideas, i not sure how to make them complex but easy to do also how to portray them. Could someone help please. Id be very greatful
I'm doing a story of 12 pictures. I've tried to think of an idea and just can't decide on one. Help please.?
Personally, I like story 3. I think that you could make this interesting by making the model/subject the same person in each of the 12 pictures. I would change their stereotype for each picture, but keep them in the same pose in every shot. That way, it's the same person in the same pose, but the environment/clothing/people around the person is different in each picture.
I'm doing a story of 12 pictures. I've tried to think of an idea and just can't decide on one. Help please.?
Draw a few %26quot;cells%26quot;, or the individual pictures you are planning on ddrawing. Try first one, then another. When you feel like you could draw a few more of one story, keep going. That will probably be the one you can finish.
Don't be too judgemental at first. Just sketch one out simply, then go on to the next. At this stage you want to just get some ideas down on paper. For some reason this is very helpful in setting your imagination free. You begin to ask yourself, %26quot;What would happen next in this series?%26quot; Or similar questions that allow you to open up your mind and creativity. It sounds to me like you are being too hard on yourself, trying to FORCE your mind to give you an answer that feels natural to you. This is probably why you haven't found a story line you feel good about.
When you're in school you don't always have time to settle on ideas that are natural to us, so some feel rather artificial. You'll have time later to dig deeper into yourself for those more satisfying projects. Just pick the first series you can get 12 images of. I'm not saying to do a sloppy job with your assignment -indeed do the best you can in the time you have. And if you do find the exact idea for you, USE IT! If you're still stuck, you can email me through my profile here at Yahoo! Answers and I'll see if we can work out something for you.
They are:
Story 1- Changing your personality to fit in, and dumping your friends to be popular
Story 2- Showing your personality through images, eg: friendly, excitable, louise voice etc ... identifying your personality
Story 3- Someone deciding who they are, different stereotypes
Story 4- Trying to pick a career, identify who you will be. Singer, photographer, lawyer, artist etc,
Story 5- Identified by your reputation .. A funny person, everyone laughs.
Story 6- Masquerade ball. (Would be difficult to do)
Out of these ideas, i not sure how to make them complex but easy to do also how to portray them. Could someone help please. Id be very greatful
I'm doing a story of 12 pictures. I've tried to think of an idea and just can't decide on one. Help please.?
Personally, I like story 3. I think that you could make this interesting by making the model/subject the same person in each of the 12 pictures. I would change their stereotype for each picture, but keep them in the same pose in every shot. That way, it's the same person in the same pose, but the environment/clothing/people around the person is different in each picture.
I'm doing a story of 12 pictures. I've tried to think of an idea and just can't decide on one. Help please.?
Draw a few %26quot;cells%26quot;, or the individual pictures you are planning on ddrawing. Try first one, then another. When you feel like you could draw a few more of one story, keep going. That will probably be the one you can finish.
Don't be too judgemental at first. Just sketch one out simply, then go on to the next. At this stage you want to just get some ideas down on paper. For some reason this is very helpful in setting your imagination free. You begin to ask yourself, %26quot;What would happen next in this series?%26quot; Or similar questions that allow you to open up your mind and creativity. It sounds to me like you are being too hard on yourself, trying to FORCE your mind to give you an answer that feels natural to you. This is probably why you haven't found a story line you feel good about.
When you're in school you don't always have time to settle on ideas that are natural to us, so some feel rather artificial. You'll have time later to dig deeper into yourself for those more satisfying projects. Just pick the first series you can get 12 images of. I'm not saying to do a sloppy job with your assignment -indeed do the best you can in the time you have. And if you do find the exact idea for you, USE IT! If you're still stuck, you can email me through my profile here at Yahoo! Answers and I'll see if we can work out something for you.
Why didnt they get caught?
My sister has this friend who has more problems you could ever imagine! (She is crazy) Well anyways, this girl, for whatever reason wants to change her identity. Well my STUPID sister decides that she is going to give her friend her ssn %26amp; birth certificate. So that her friend can get a new ID in my sisters name! Well, Im sitting and thinking to myself while they are talking about it that she is just going to get caught and go to jail. But I never say anything because this girl has done so much and got away with it that its not even funny. She needs to go to jail. Well, They just showed up at my house to show me the ID she got yesterday. I was shocked! I cant believe that they got away with it. She went to the exact same BMV that my sister went to last week to renew her license. Why did she not get caught? It just shows you how easy it is to get your Identity stolen. And my stupid sister is going to regret this for the rest of her life. Why would you give someone your identity. Who knows what they could do with it!?!
Why didnt they get caught?
you're sister obviously didn't think this one through. They didn't get caught because your sisters friend doesn't have to show picture id in order to get another id. I'm sure the people and DMV don't remember everyone so that's why they didn't stop them!
Why didnt they get caught?
no offense your sister is a moron
you should report the stolen identity.
You can't solve their problems - but it's good you recognize they have them. Sad, even when it's family we want to help and make things right. Your sister will regret this a lot, but there is nothing you can do about it. It is so hard sometimes...
Why didnt they get caught?
you're sister obviously didn't think this one through. They didn't get caught because your sisters friend doesn't have to show picture id in order to get another id. I'm sure the people and DMV don't remember everyone so that's why they didn't stop them!
Why didnt they get caught?
no offense your sister is a moron
you should report the stolen identity.
You can't solve their problems - but it's good you recognize they have them. Sad, even when it's family we want to help and make things right. Your sister will regret this a lot, but there is nothing you can do about it. It is so hard sometimes...
Why is the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?politically correct in America?
How is it that the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?was established as politically correct in America?
What is wrong with the word 鈥榖lack鈥?
It seems alike with the word 鈥榳hite鈥?
They are both faceless words that do not honor culture.
They are both simple descriptive terms that serve a logistical purpose.
They are both short and convenient.
So is the explanation that blacks were so embarrassed with their identity that they were looking for a new one.
Something like changing your surname so that people can鈥檛 trace your past?
I don鈥檛 see any other good reason for establishing the use of the term 鈥楢frican American鈥? Certainly, blacks can鈥檛 expect that the rest of the world should feel an obligation to respect black people鈥檚 recent ancestral culture. Why should any race be granted such an honor?
Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans; Hispanics don鈥檛 ask to be referred to as South American Americans; Arabs don鈥檛 ask to be called Arab Americans.
So why would anybody be expected to go this extra mile for blacks? I don鈥檛 feel such obligation.
Why is the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?politically correct in America?
Black = A color
African American = a heritage for slave decendents
All people who are black in the U.S. are not,read ----not---African American
Barack Obama is not African American
Why is the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?politically correct in America?
The term African American carries important political overtones. Earlier terms used to identify Americans of African ancestry were conferred upon the group by colonists and Americans of European ancestry. The terms were included in the wording of various laws and legal decisions which some thought were being used as tools of white supremacy and oppression.[121] There developed among blacks in America a growing desire for a term of self-identification of their own choosing.
With the political consciousness that emerged from the political and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blacks no longer approved of the term *****. They believed it had suggestions of a moderate, accommodationist, even %26quot;Uncle Tom%26quot; connotation. In this period, a growing number of blacks in the United States, particularly African-American youth, celebrated their blackness and their historical and cultural ties with the African continent. The Black Power movement defiantly embraced Black as a group identifier. It was a term social leaders themselves had repudiated only two decades earlier, but they proclaimed, %26quot;Black is beautiful%26quot;.
In this same period, a smaller number of people favored Afro-American. In the 1980s the term African-American was advanced on the model of, for example, German-American or Irish-American to give descendents of American slaves and other American blacks who lived through the slavery-era a heritage and a cultural base. [121] The term was popularized in black communities around the country via word of mouth and ultimately received mainstream use after Jesse Jackson publicly used the term in front of a national audience, subsequently major media outlets adopted its use.[121] Many blacks in America expressed a preference for the term, as it was formed in the same way as names for others of the many ethnic groups in the nation. Some argued further that, because of the historical circumstances surrounding the capture, enslavement and systematic attempts to de-Africanize blacks in the United States under chattel slavery, most African Americans are unable to trace their ancestry to a specific African nation; hence, the entire continent serves as a geographic marker.
For many, African American is more than a name expressive of cultural and historical roots. The term expresses pride in Africa and a sense of kinship and solidarity with others of the African diaspora鈥攁n embrace of pan-Africanism as earlier enunciated by prominent African thinkers such as Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois and George Padmore.
300 years of slavery %26amp; oppression, go the extra mile.
Blacks feel like we owe them or something after elevating them to a slightly above the %26quot;scum%26quot; level we previously held them at.
Cause white people are fat.
It's the stupidest term ever. What about aboriginal people from Australia? Are they African American? There's many places other than Africa that %26quot;African Americans%26quot; come from.
%26lt;------------because we all evolved from this
I never really understood it. I don't find %26quot;black%26quot; offensive, and I've never referred to myself as African-American. I'd like to visit Africa someday, and I'm interested in learning about it, but I've never been there, so I don't identify with it at all.
Some people are just really sensitive.
It's a valid question, but your delivery was really whiny, BTW.
Whites can be called Caucasian.
Hispanics can be called Mexicans.
What's wrong with black people being called African American?
That's been a topic of debate for a long time. There obviously certain %26quot;N words%26quot; that are offensive, so african american became a replacement word. in the last ten or so years, people have realized that it's offensive, so in current times, %26quot;black%26quot; is the politically correct term.
If you live in American then you are simply an AMERICAN. Many cultures try to separate themselves by adding their ethnicity into a title. Why should it matter to you what others want to be called? Let them be whomever they want to be and you be whomever you want to be - avoid all the rest and find comfort in ignorance.
I'm american and I think its probably because the arabs, Hispanics (which btw is the politically correct term for mexican) and other cultures weren't the founding fathers.. the first two groups to come to the %26quot;new world%26quot; were white europeans and black slaves... and an entire war was fought for african americans freedom before more asian and south american immigrants began to come...
i guess thats the only explanation I can think of...
We have to go the extra mile and say Caucasian, as well.
A long time ago, some people had a meeting on what would be politically correct terms of what to call blacks and whites (can't remember the name of the meeting or where the meeting took place). Everybody got tired of saying Europeans and Africans, so they used appearance of skin tone for races. Also, when Africans were finally accepted as Americans, people realized that they couldn't be strictly African if they were American. So, they made the term, African American. Of course, this term was made when blacks were actually from Africa. The term just carried on down the generations, even though most blacks are Americans, not African Americans.
I think it's merely a sign of respect. I know at school when people are making jokes about people, they would say black or white but when they're having good discussion about them, they use terms like Caucasian and African. It just sounds more respectful.
For example:
So this white guy goes to this party and sees his black friend. Then they go to Walmart.
So this Caucasian male goes to a party and meets his African American friend and they leave for Walmart.
That's my point of view anyway.
well lets go this way. im in san diego i bet only mexican so called %26quot;americans%26quot;. dont even give a dam about being american.
the people that i have encountered that didnt like the word black also used the term caucasion instead of white. im not embarrassed about anything!! lol i love myself and my culture, and many %26quot;african americans%26quot; changed their surname because it related to their slave past. many of us cant trace our actual history because slave names were changed when they were bought and sold. and obviously all black people arent african american so the term may be used to differentiate. (black jamaicans, black dominicans, black africans, black AFRICAN AMERICANS) you have some resentment issues you need to resolve my friend... but i wish you the best in that regard :)
Let's look at this from a geographical point of view. Caucasians come from Europe, Russia and Parts of the Middle East... %26quot;Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans%26quot; Caucasian is a way of saying European even thought technically Europeans aren't the only Caucasians.
Saying AFRICAN American and CAUCASIAN both apply to a large area of land.
They added American to the end of African bc black ppl are more American than African.
I don't like the term bc I've never been to Africa, and no one in my family has been for over a century. I don't claim myself as African (When I think of African American I think of an African who just obtained citizenship; Mexican Americans are Mexicans who obtain citizenship.), just like white people here don't claim to be European or Caucasian. I think we shouldn't use these words bc they're outdated. We all know our history and where we came from and we all call ourselves American so there's no use for them.
What is wrong with the word 鈥榖lack鈥?
It seems alike with the word 鈥榳hite鈥?
They are both faceless words that do not honor culture.
They are both simple descriptive terms that serve a logistical purpose.
They are both short and convenient.
So is the explanation that blacks were so embarrassed with their identity that they were looking for a new one.
Something like changing your surname so that people can鈥檛 trace your past?
I don鈥檛 see any other good reason for establishing the use of the term 鈥楢frican American鈥? Certainly, blacks can鈥檛 expect that the rest of the world should feel an obligation to respect black people鈥檚 recent ancestral culture. Why should any race be granted such an honor?
Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans; Hispanics don鈥檛 ask to be referred to as South American Americans; Arabs don鈥檛 ask to be called Arab Americans.
So why would anybody be expected to go this extra mile for blacks? I don鈥檛 feel such obligation.
Why is the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?politically correct in America?
Black = A color
African American = a heritage for slave decendents
All people who are black in the U.S. are not,read ----not---African American
Barack Obama is not African American
Why is the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?politically correct in America?
The term African American carries important political overtones. Earlier terms used to identify Americans of African ancestry were conferred upon the group by colonists and Americans of European ancestry. The terms were included in the wording of various laws and legal decisions which some thought were being used as tools of white supremacy and oppression.[121] There developed among blacks in America a growing desire for a term of self-identification of their own choosing.
With the political consciousness that emerged from the political and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blacks no longer approved of the term *****. They believed it had suggestions of a moderate, accommodationist, even %26quot;Uncle Tom%26quot; connotation. In this period, a growing number of blacks in the United States, particularly African-American youth, celebrated their blackness and their historical and cultural ties with the African continent. The Black Power movement defiantly embraced Black as a group identifier. It was a term social leaders themselves had repudiated only two decades earlier, but they proclaimed, %26quot;Black is beautiful%26quot;.
In this same period, a smaller number of people favored Afro-American. In the 1980s the term African-American was advanced on the model of, for example, German-American or Irish-American to give descendents of American slaves and other American blacks who lived through the slavery-era a heritage and a cultural base. [121] The term was popularized in black communities around the country via word of mouth and ultimately received mainstream use after Jesse Jackson publicly used the term in front of a national audience, subsequently major media outlets adopted its use.[121] Many blacks in America expressed a preference for the term, as it was formed in the same way as names for others of the many ethnic groups in the nation. Some argued further that, because of the historical circumstances surrounding the capture, enslavement and systematic attempts to de-Africanize blacks in the United States under chattel slavery, most African Americans are unable to trace their ancestry to a specific African nation; hence, the entire continent serves as a geographic marker.
For many, African American is more than a name expressive of cultural and historical roots. The term expresses pride in Africa and a sense of kinship and solidarity with others of the African diaspora鈥攁n embrace of pan-Africanism as earlier enunciated by prominent African thinkers such as Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois and George Padmore.
300 years of slavery %26amp; oppression, go the extra mile.
Blacks feel like we owe them or something after elevating them to a slightly above the %26quot;scum%26quot; level we previously held them at.
Cause white people are fat.
It's the stupidest term ever. What about aboriginal people from Australia? Are they African American? There's many places other than Africa that %26quot;African Americans%26quot; come from.
%26lt;------------because we all evolved from this
I never really understood it. I don't find %26quot;black%26quot; offensive, and I've never referred to myself as African-American. I'd like to visit Africa someday, and I'm interested in learning about it, but I've never been there, so I don't identify with it at all.
Some people are just really sensitive.
It's a valid question, but your delivery was really whiny, BTW.
Whites can be called Caucasian.
Hispanics can be called Mexicans.
What's wrong with black people being called African American?
That's been a topic of debate for a long time. There obviously certain %26quot;N words%26quot; that are offensive, so african american became a replacement word. in the last ten or so years, people have realized that it's offensive, so in current times, %26quot;black%26quot; is the politically correct term.
If you live in American then you are simply an AMERICAN. Many cultures try to separate themselves by adding their ethnicity into a title. Why should it matter to you what others want to be called? Let them be whomever they want to be and you be whomever you want to be - avoid all the rest and find comfort in ignorance.
I'm american and I think its probably because the arabs, Hispanics (which btw is the politically correct term for mexican) and other cultures weren't the founding fathers.. the first two groups to come to the %26quot;new world%26quot; were white europeans and black slaves... and an entire war was fought for african americans freedom before more asian and south american immigrants began to come...
i guess thats the only explanation I can think of...
We have to go the extra mile and say Caucasian, as well.
A long time ago, some people had a meeting on what would be politically correct terms of what to call blacks and whites (can't remember the name of the meeting or where the meeting took place). Everybody got tired of saying Europeans and Africans, so they used appearance of skin tone for races. Also, when Africans were finally accepted as Americans, people realized that they couldn't be strictly African if they were American. So, they made the term, African American. Of course, this term was made when blacks were actually from Africa. The term just carried on down the generations, even though most blacks are Americans, not African Americans.
I think it's merely a sign of respect. I know at school when people are making jokes about people, they would say black or white but when they're having good discussion about them, they use terms like Caucasian and African. It just sounds more respectful.
For example:
So this white guy goes to this party and sees his black friend. Then they go to Walmart.
So this Caucasian male goes to a party and meets his African American friend and they leave for Walmart.
That's my point of view anyway.
well lets go this way. im in san diego i bet only mexican so called %26quot;americans%26quot;. dont even give a dam about being american.
the people that i have encountered that didnt like the word black also used the term caucasion instead of white. im not embarrassed about anything!! lol i love myself and my culture, and many %26quot;african americans%26quot; changed their surname because it related to their slave past. many of us cant trace our actual history because slave names were changed when they were bought and sold. and obviously all black people arent african american so the term may be used to differentiate. (black jamaicans, black dominicans, black africans, black AFRICAN AMERICANS) you have some resentment issues you need to resolve my friend... but i wish you the best in that regard :)
Let's look at this from a geographical point of view. Caucasians come from Europe, Russia and Parts of the Middle East... %26quot;Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans%26quot; Caucasian is a way of saying European even thought technically Europeans aren't the only Caucasians.
Saying AFRICAN American and CAUCASIAN both apply to a large area of land.
They added American to the end of African bc black ppl are more American than African.
I don't like the term bc I've never been to Africa, and no one in my family has been for over a century. I don't claim myself as African (When I think of African American I think of an African who just obtained citizenship; Mexican Americans are Mexicans who obtain citizenship.), just like white people here don't claim to be European or Caucasian. I think we shouldn't use these words bc they're outdated. We all know our history and where we came from and we all call ourselves American so there's no use for them.
How did the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?become politically correct in America?
How is it that the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?was established as politically correct in America?
What is wrong with the word 鈥榖lack鈥?
It seems alike with the word 鈥榳hite鈥?
They are both faceless words that do not honor culture.
They are both simple descriptive terms that serve a logistical purpose.
They are both short convenient terms.
So is the explanation that blacks were so embarrassed with their identity that they were looking for a new one.
Something like changing your surname so that people can鈥檛 trace your past?
I don鈥檛 see any other good reason for establishing the use of the term 鈥楢frican American鈥? Certainly, blacks can鈥檛 expect that the rest of the world should feel an obligation to respect black people鈥檚 recent ancestral culture. Why should any race be granted such an honor?
Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans; Hispanics don鈥檛 ask to be referred to as South American Americans; Arabs don鈥檛 ask to be called Arab Americans.
So why would anybody be expected to go this extra mile for blacks? I don鈥檛 feel such obligation.
(If anybody is thinking of answering that blacks came from Africa then don't bother with this. We all came from Africa because that is where humanity started according to decades' worth of scientific findings. But even if blacks had exclusively originated from that geographical area of Earth thousands of years ago then why would the rest of us be expected to care about it? So what? Why should that be special to anybody? It's just a geographical coincidence.)
How did the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?become politically correct in America?
%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;For many, African American is more than a name expressive of cultural and historical roots. The term expresses pride in Africa and a sense of kinship and solidarity with others of the African diaspora鈥攁n embrace of pan-Africanism as earlier enunciated by prominent African thinkers such as Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois and George Padmore.
With the political consciousness that emerged from the political and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blacks no longer approved of the term *****. They believed it had suggestions of a moderate, accommodationist, even %26quot;Uncle Tom%26quot; connotation. In this period, a growing number of blacks in the United States, particularly African-American youth, celebrated their blackness and their historical and cultural ties with the African continent. The Black Power movement defiantly embraced Black as a group identifier. It was a term social leaders themselves had repudiated only two decades earlier, but they proclaimed, %26quot;Black is beautiful%26quot;.
In this same period, a smaller number of people favored Afro-American. In the 1980s the term African-American was advanced on the model of, for example, German-American or Irish-American to givedescendantss of American slaves and other American blacks who lived through the slavery-era a heritage and a cultural base. [121] The term was popularized in black communities around the country via word of mouth and ultimately received mainstream use after Jesse Jackson publicly used the term in front of a national audience, subsequently major media outlets adopted its use.[121] Many blacks in America expressed a preference for the term, as it was formed in the same way as names for others of the many ethnic groups in the nation. Some argued further that, because of the historical circumstances surrounding the capture, enslavement and systematic attempts to de-Africanize blacks in the United States under chattel slavery, most African Americans are unable to trace their ancestry to a specific African nation; hence, the entire continent serves as a geographic marker. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; See source %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
There are other recently immigrated cultures that prefer to have their heritages incorporated into their racial affiliation ie indians, most even when they are mixed indian prefer to be associated with their tribe rather America. Irish American is another but again if they have recent immigrant history they do not associate with America and prefer Irish to American. America is such a mixed nation that I believe people in general want to set themselves apart and celebrate their uniqueness by their heritage. I am Irish-Italian and if asked that is what I tell people before I say American. My father is from Lazio, Italy and my mother is from Galway, Ireland. They married in Ireland then immigrated to America. I was born here in America but because of my close ties to both Italy and Ireland I associate with both. I speak Italian, Gaelic, and English. It is just a personal preference and the beauty of America is that you can celebrate your heritage openly without fear of ridicule. I am not ashamed of any of my history to include the fact that I too am American.
How did the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?become politically correct in America?
So what is the politically correct terms for Whites? Caucasian? You never hear a black person calling white people %26quot;Caucasian%26quot; So why do we need to call them African American? Black people need to feel a sense of entitlement for their culture and %26quot;where they came from%26quot; That is the only reason they are given the title %26quot;African American%26quot;one web hosting hair ideas
What is wrong with the word 鈥榖lack鈥?
It seems alike with the word 鈥榳hite鈥?
They are both faceless words that do not honor culture.
They are both simple descriptive terms that serve a logistical purpose.
They are both short convenient terms.
So is the explanation that blacks were so embarrassed with their identity that they were looking for a new one.
Something like changing your surname so that people can鈥檛 trace your past?
I don鈥檛 see any other good reason for establishing the use of the term 鈥楢frican American鈥? Certainly, blacks can鈥檛 expect that the rest of the world should feel an obligation to respect black people鈥檚 recent ancestral culture. Why should any race be granted such an honor?
Whites don鈥檛 ask be distinguished in this manner by being called European Americans; Hispanics don鈥檛 ask to be referred to as South American Americans; Arabs don鈥檛 ask to be called Arab Americans.
So why would anybody be expected to go this extra mile for blacks? I don鈥檛 feel such obligation.
(If anybody is thinking of answering that blacks came from Africa then don't bother with this. We all came from Africa because that is where humanity started according to decades' worth of scientific findings. But even if blacks had exclusively originated from that geographical area of Earth thousands of years ago then why would the rest of us be expected to care about it? So what? Why should that be special to anybody? It's just a geographical coincidence.)
How did the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?become politically correct in America?
%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;For many, African American is more than a name expressive of cultural and historical roots. The term expresses pride in Africa and a sense of kinship and solidarity with others of the African diaspora鈥攁n embrace of pan-Africanism as earlier enunciated by prominent African thinkers such as Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Du Bois and George Padmore.
With the political consciousness that emerged from the political and social ferment of the late 1960s and early 1970s, blacks no longer approved of the term *****. They believed it had suggestions of a moderate, accommodationist, even %26quot;Uncle Tom%26quot; connotation. In this period, a growing number of blacks in the United States, particularly African-American youth, celebrated their blackness and their historical and cultural ties with the African continent. The Black Power movement defiantly embraced Black as a group identifier. It was a term social leaders themselves had repudiated only two decades earlier, but they proclaimed, %26quot;Black is beautiful%26quot;.
In this same period, a smaller number of people favored Afro-American. In the 1980s the term African-American was advanced on the model of, for example, German-American or Irish-American to givedescendantss of American slaves and other American blacks who lived through the slavery-era a heritage and a cultural base. [121] The term was popularized in black communities around the country via word of mouth and ultimately received mainstream use after Jesse Jackson publicly used the term in front of a national audience, subsequently major media outlets adopted its use.[121] Many blacks in America expressed a preference for the term, as it was formed in the same way as names for others of the many ethnic groups in the nation. Some argued further that, because of the historical circumstances surrounding the capture, enslavement and systematic attempts to de-Africanize blacks in the United States under chattel slavery, most African Americans are unable to trace their ancestry to a specific African nation; hence, the entire continent serves as a geographic marker. %26gt;%26gt;%26gt; See source %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;
There are other recently immigrated cultures that prefer to have their heritages incorporated into their racial affiliation ie indians, most even when they are mixed indian prefer to be associated with their tribe rather America. Irish American is another but again if they have recent immigrant history they do not associate with America and prefer Irish to American. America is such a mixed nation that I believe people in general want to set themselves apart and celebrate their uniqueness by their heritage. I am Irish-Italian and if asked that is what I tell people before I say American. My father is from Lazio, Italy and my mother is from Galway, Ireland. They married in Ireland then immigrated to America. I was born here in America but because of my close ties to both Italy and Ireland I associate with both. I speak Italian, Gaelic, and English. It is just a personal preference and the beauty of America is that you can celebrate your heritage openly without fear of ridicule. I am not ashamed of any of my history to include the fact that I too am American.
How did the term 鈥楢frican American鈥?become politically correct in America?
So what is the politically correct terms for Whites? Caucasian? You never hear a black person calling white people %26quot;Caucasian%26quot; So why do we need to call them African American? Black people need to feel a sense of entitlement for their culture and %26quot;where they came from%26quot; That is the only reason they are given the title %26quot;African American%26quot;
Hotmail password troubles...?
I'm kind of mad right now because Microshit is really shittin' with me. I haven't used my HotMail account in a few weeks, and I've forgotten my password. I went to hotmail.com to log in, I typed in my ID, and told them that %26quot;I forgot my password.%26quot;
Next, I get to a page where I apparently %26quot;need to type your Windows Live ID and the characters in the picture below.%26quot; So I do that and click continue.
Then, it tells me that password reset instructions will be sent to me by email at myemailaddress@hotmail.com. Now, as I hope you can see here, Microshit is sending me password reset instructions at the address to which I forgot my password. What the **** are they thinking? I went to their help page, and the instructions read something like this:
%26quot;Reset your password
If you forget your password, you must reset it before you can sign in to Windows Live ID sites and services again. You can reset your password by sending yourself a password reset e-mail message or by providing location information and answering your secret question.
To reset your password by requesting a password reset e-mail:
On any Windows Live ID site or service sign-in page, click Forgot your password.
Verify your Windows Live ID, type the characters you see in the Picture box, and then click Continue.
Select Send password reset instructions to me in e-mail.
In the list, select the e-mail address where you want the password reset e-mail to be sent, and then click Continue.
On the confirmation page, click OK.
When you receive the password reset e-mail, click the link in the e-mail to reset your password, and then follow the online instructions.%26quot;
Problem with the instructions above is that there is no list of e-mail addresses where I want the password reset e-mail to be sent. There is no such option. It just tells me that it will send the password reset email to my hotmail address, which I cannot access.
%26quot;To reset your password by providing the answer to your secret question:
1) On any Windows Live ID site or service sign-in page, click Forgot your password.
2) Verify your Windows Live ID, type the characters you see in the Picture box, and then click Continue.
3) Click Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity.
4) In the Country/Region list, select the name of your country or region , select your state, and then type your ZIP code or postal code if you鈥檙e prompted to do so. In the Question area in the Secret Answer box, type your answer to the question.
5) Click Continue.
6) Enter and confirm a new password, and then click Continue.
If prompted, enter an alternate e-mail address and click Continue, or click Skip to bypass this step.
7) On the You've changed your password page, click Sign in to Windows Live.%26quot;
Again, these instructions describes options that Microsoft does not give me. I have no way of clicking %26quot;Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity%26quot; (see: Step 3). There is no such option anywhere.
So now I'm stuck with a HotMail account to which I don't know the password. However, Microsoft has been helpful enough to send an email with instructions to reset my password. That email has been sent to my HotMail account. I honestly have not seen stupidity like this in a long time. I especially wouldn't expect it from a company like Microsoft, on a product like HotMail, which must be used by a lot of people. What the **** was going on in their heads when they thought this up? How can I receive email in at an account to which I don't know the password?
So how can I use this account again?
Hotmail password troubles...?
I believe you may not have setup your profile on setup password reset information through another email account. This setup is found in Options -%26gt; Manage Your Account -%26gt; Password and PINs.
If you have already done that, you may like to check your other emails to see if the new password has sent to any of your emails.
If you have tried and still in vain, I suggest to you to disconnect this account as it may seems that someone may have hacked this account.
Hotmail password troubles...?
You might have some luck using the password reset tool link at this page:
Not sure how to answer a question here, though.
iv got the same problem
Next, I get to a page where I apparently %26quot;need to type your Windows Live ID and the characters in the picture below.%26quot; So I do that and click continue.
Then, it tells me that password reset instructions will be sent to me by email at myemailaddress@hotmail.com. Now, as I hope you can see here, Microshit is sending me password reset instructions at the address to which I forgot my password. What the **** are they thinking? I went to their help page, and the instructions read something like this:
%26quot;Reset your password
If you forget your password, you must reset it before you can sign in to Windows Live ID sites and services again. You can reset your password by sending yourself a password reset e-mail message or by providing location information and answering your secret question.
To reset your password by requesting a password reset e-mail:
On any Windows Live ID site or service sign-in page, click Forgot your password.
Verify your Windows Live ID, type the characters you see in the Picture box, and then click Continue.
Select Send password reset instructions to me in e-mail.
In the list, select the e-mail address where you want the password reset e-mail to be sent, and then click Continue.
On the confirmation page, click OK.
When you receive the password reset e-mail, click the link in the e-mail to reset your password, and then follow the online instructions.%26quot;
Problem with the instructions above is that there is no list of e-mail addresses where I want the password reset e-mail to be sent. There is no such option. It just tells me that it will send the password reset email to my hotmail address, which I cannot access.
%26quot;To reset your password by providing the answer to your secret question:
1) On any Windows Live ID site or service sign-in page, click Forgot your password.
2) Verify your Windows Live ID, type the characters you see in the Picture box, and then click Continue.
3) Click Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity.
4) In the Country/Region list, select the name of your country or region , select your state, and then type your ZIP code or postal code if you鈥檙e prompted to do so. In the Question area in the Secret Answer box, type your answer to the question.
5) Click Continue.
6) Enter and confirm a new password, and then click Continue.
If prompted, enter an alternate e-mail address and click Continue, or click Skip to bypass this step.
7) On the You've changed your password page, click Sign in to Windows Live.%26quot;
Again, these instructions describes options that Microsoft does not give me. I have no way of clicking %26quot;Use my location information and secret answer to verify my identity%26quot; (see: Step 3). There is no such option anywhere.
So now I'm stuck with a HotMail account to which I don't know the password. However, Microsoft has been helpful enough to send an email with instructions to reset my password. That email has been sent to my HotMail account. I honestly have not seen stupidity like this in a long time. I especially wouldn't expect it from a company like Microsoft, on a product like HotMail, which must be used by a lot of people. What the **** was going on in their heads when they thought this up? How can I receive email in at an account to which I don't know the password?
So how can I use this account again?
Hotmail password troubles...?
I believe you may not have setup your profile on setup password reset information through another email account. This setup is found in Options -%26gt; Manage Your Account -%26gt; Password and PINs.
If you have already done that, you may like to check your other emails to see if the new password has sent to any of your emails.
If you have tried and still in vain, I suggest to you to disconnect this account as it may seems that someone may have hacked this account.
Hotmail password troubles...?
You might have some luck using the password reset tool link at this page:
Not sure how to answer a question here, though.
Report Abuse
iv got the same problem
Money has made everything into mess ? all social relations are getting lost on account of money can v change ?
Human relations has come to lowest ever standards and money is only identity for your levels in teh society- high value life having social relations has - how we all can change the system ???
Money has made everything into mess ? all social relations are getting lost on account of money can v change ?
There is a place that teaches us %26quot;money isn't that important. there is something more important than money%26quot;. the place is call 'church'.
Money has made everything into mess ? all social relations are getting lost on account of money can v change ?
wow. So lets arrest money and free the robber and killer who did it for the money because its moneys fault that these people go to jail. lets see if that would fly.
Money has made everything into mess ? all social relations are getting lost on account of money can v change ?
There is a place that teaches us %26quot;money isn't that important. there is something more important than money%26quot;. the place is call 'church'.
Money has made everything into mess ? all social relations are getting lost on account of money can v change ?
wow. So lets arrest money and free the robber and killer who did it for the money because its moneys fault that these people go to jail. lets see if that would fly.
I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
17 year old male, just left a country without notice to anyone in my family,ran away with help of uncle, I need to know if and how I can legally change my identity without a parent. Step by step guide.
-Thanks for your time, H
I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
Well it would help to know what country you left and what country you went to. If you're still considered a minor, then you might be out of luck, but if you're considered an adult then you can legally change your name. It depends on what countries are involved though. In the US you can't legally change your name until you're 18.
Oh, and you might want to ask this in a different category, maybe law.
I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
This is insane :D
Anyway, I can't be much help to you cause I don't know much about changing names, but I'm sure after 16 you're legally classed as an adult (in the UK anyway) and can most likely change your name yourself.
Check out this website for help.
-Thanks for your time, H
I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
Well it would help to know what country you left and what country you went to. If you're still considered a minor, then you might be out of luck, but if you're considered an adult then you can legally change your name. It depends on what countries are involved though. In the US you can't legally change your name until you're 18.
Oh, and you might want to ask this in a different category, maybe law.
I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
This is insane :D
Anyway, I can't be much help to you cause I don't know much about changing names, but I'm sure after 16 you're legally classed as an adult (in the UK anyway) and can most likely change your name yourself.
Check out this website for help.
How would you determine your new name if you felt you had to change it?
Long story short, my dad who my mom divorced and I'm named after (I'm the 3rd) has been using my name and identity fraudulently. Im having all problem fixed by proving my identity and what not. I want to change my name from his once and for all b/c I never cared for it anyway, but I'm having trouble determining a new name...
How would you determine your new name if you felt you had to change it?
i would determine this by my family's background.
How would you determine your new name if you felt you had to change it?
a new first name or last name? for guys I like the following
but y would u change your first name? just change your last name to your mom's last name.
try this site.. http://www.thinkbabynames.com/list/1/A
Name yourself after a member of your family (eg gramdpa or summat).... or just a name you like
How would you determine your new name if you felt you had to change it?
i would determine this by my family's background.
How would you determine your new name if you felt you had to change it?
a new first name or last name? for guys I like the following
but y would u change your first name? just change your last name to your mom's last name.
try this site.. http://www.thinkbabynames.com/list/1/A
Name yourself after a member of your family (eg gramdpa or summat).... or just a name you like
How did you get out of your abusive relationship?
My 5 year relationship was physical in the beginning. It went on for about a 4-6 months, and then completely stopped. Then after we moved out of my home state, it turned into verbal abuse. Calling names, telling me I am fat... It was really bad for about a month, and then it dissipated. I have called and cried to my family back home, and they all want me back. They tell me they don't like him, and some of it has nothing to do with the things I have told them, it has been his own actions towards them. We argue and fight, he says things, I say things, but I feel anger has gotten the best of us. He has said things to me in the heat of the argument, and sometimes I will think about it months after the fact. And I know that I am not perfect, but he has said way more hurtful things to me than I have to him. He has admitted to kissing someone in an airport bar when he went out of town... then turned his story around and said the lady was some old fat drunk lady who kissed him as she was getting up to leave, and he didn't even realize it... %26quot;It was just a peck%26quot; he says... but during the heat of the argument, He was saying, %26quot;Some sexy cougar with big breast.......%26quot; I have NEVER cheated on him, or even talked to another man in public like that. I have tried to forgive him and move foward, but I just can't forger these things we have said and done to each other. It is holding me back from trying. I have made plans to go back and be with my family, and I told him this. And he feels like because we had a good weekend, or a good week, I should see that he is changing. I just can't see it. I already have it in my head that he is not the one I guess. But I still love him. He is the center of my world and I am afraid what life will be without him. When I told him I was leaving, he started being really nice, and it makes me think, %26quot;Why am I leaving this nice guy%26quot;.... I am just afraid of what life will be like %26quot;Out there on my own%26quot;....
Has anyone gone through this? To where your guy/girl has good days and bad days, and like you are living with some split personality? Do you or have ever felt like you were going crazy? Have you ever felt like you have lost your identity? I want to go home, but I am just afraid of what I might be giving up here, with him... Can anyone relate?
How did you get out of your abusive relationship?
you should go back home. he's never going to change, he might for a week or two but eventually he'll go back to how he was. things could be worse so it'll be better for you to just walk away now. you're not happy with him so there's no reason to be with him. being alone is better than being with him.
How did you get out of your abusive relationship?
yer i can a little i dumped her
Do what you feel is right and will ultimately bring you happiness.
Go home. It will take a while to adjust but you will find better!
Oh yes, I might add, we get into abusive relationships when we have low self esteem. You have to work on your esteem to feel like you deserve better, trust me, you do deserve better.
Work out how you are going to get back home and when he is away - swing into action.
Okay I have been through a situation very similar to this.. my ex was abusive and controlling and at the time I was a poor college student who could not really make it on my own.. and my parents really weren't there.. and as soon as I graduated I thought I would leave but I guess I was so emotionally attached to him, and scared that I couldn't do it.. So I had to end up joining the military.. basically making a commitment I could not break.. I knew that once I left I would never look back, plus he wasn't the type of guy that would wait anyway. I wouldn't recommend doing exactly what I did it was hard and at times very lonely.. but I would recommend you leaving him.. Trust me there are nice guys out there.. my husband whom I met in the military is so good to me.. we have been married for around 3 years and he has never even yelled or called me a name.. trust me you will be glad you left.
I'm sorry to hear of what your going through :(
This situation is always tough and you feel like you don't know where you are anymore with the person and yes you can feel like your going crazy :P
You threaten to leave then they are nice fore a few weeks and then they always end up being back to the nasty side of them.
One day he might stop believing Your ever going to leave and may only manage to be nice for a day if that. You deserve so much better and you know you wouldn't be giving up some fantastic life if you left.
Relationships like this just go round in circles and usually get worse. It takes it toll on your mental health being with someone who almost changes to another person in those bad days.
Do whats right for you, just remember that if you leave you have the support of your family and one day will find a nice man that does not do these things to you
Good luck!with black nail polish advice and suggestions
Has anyone gone through this? To where your guy/girl has good days and bad days, and like you are living with some split personality? Do you or have ever felt like you were going crazy? Have you ever felt like you have lost your identity? I want to go home, but I am just afraid of what I might be giving up here, with him... Can anyone relate?
How did you get out of your abusive relationship?
you should go back home. he's never going to change, he might for a week or two but eventually he'll go back to how he was. things could be worse so it'll be better for you to just walk away now. you're not happy with him so there's no reason to be with him. being alone is better than being with him.
How did you get out of your abusive relationship?
yer i can a little i dumped her
Do what you feel is right and will ultimately bring you happiness.
Go home. It will take a while to adjust but you will find better!
Oh yes, I might add, we get into abusive relationships when we have low self esteem. You have to work on your esteem to feel like you deserve better, trust me, you do deserve better.
Work out how you are going to get back home and when he is away - swing into action.
Okay I have been through a situation very similar to this.. my ex was abusive and controlling and at the time I was a poor college student who could not really make it on my own.. and my parents really weren't there.. and as soon as I graduated I thought I would leave but I guess I was so emotionally attached to him, and scared that I couldn't do it.. So I had to end up joining the military.. basically making a commitment I could not break.. I knew that once I left I would never look back, plus he wasn't the type of guy that would wait anyway. I wouldn't recommend doing exactly what I did it was hard and at times very lonely.. but I would recommend you leaving him.. Trust me there are nice guys out there.. my husband whom I met in the military is so good to me.. we have been married for around 3 years and he has never even yelled or called me a name.. trust me you will be glad you left.
I'm sorry to hear of what your going through :(
This situation is always tough and you feel like you don't know where you are anymore with the person and yes you can feel like your going crazy :P
You threaten to leave then they are nice fore a few weeks and then they always end up being back to the nasty side of them.
One day he might stop believing Your ever going to leave and may only manage to be nice for a day if that. You deserve so much better and you know you wouldn't be giving up some fantastic life if you left.
Relationships like this just go round in circles and usually get worse. It takes it toll on your mental health being with someone who almost changes to another person in those bad days.
Do whats right for you, just remember that if you leave you have the support of your family and one day will find a nice man that does not do these things to you
Good luck!
How do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
My husband of 12 years has been wonderful to me and our children. Faithful, loving and kind. Problem is that he got sick and gained about 35 pounds. Number one, i don't play nurse. Number two, i don't do fatties. Frankly i can't stand the sight of his fat arss any more so i am leaving him with a man i met at astrip club 2 weks ago. I do not want to get stuck paying any kind of support. Gals,, you know how it is. Men...keep your big mouths shut.
How do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
I will have you know, that I find it very difficult to type with my mouth shut, I usually have my tongue sticking out to assist my typing skills. But since you said I could not type an answer here goes. I will go against the men here and agree with you 100%. You had me at he got sick, your a bigger person than I, because I would have walked out the door as soon as he mentioned sickness. Where in the marriage vows say's you have to stay if their sick, or fat. So good luck with Mr Right that you found at the strip club, so why don't we hook up Saturday night at the strip club, my wife will be dancing and I will buy you and your new hunk a drink.
How do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
Here you go again... using other peoples questions.
Get your own questions...
who likes a female calling herself, %26quot;MANLY GIRL%26quot;?!....that just makes it sound like you're a Lesbian and you are the %26quot;butch%26quot; of the relationship......it doesn't sound like you are a good wife or a good woman. this question doesn't even sound like it's real.
but I got my 2 points! woohoo! thanks %26quot;butch%26quot;ey
is it THAT hard to just be honest with the man? Dont be a coward.
So youre leaving a man who treated you great because he gained a little weight? Wow! you must be a supermodel yourself!
How do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
I will have you know, that I find it very difficult to type with my mouth shut, I usually have my tongue sticking out to assist my typing skills. But since you said I could not type an answer here goes. I will go against the men here and agree with you 100%. You had me at he got sick, your a bigger person than I, because I would have walked out the door as soon as he mentioned sickness. Where in the marriage vows say's you have to stay if their sick, or fat. So good luck with Mr Right that you found at the strip club, so why don't we hook up Saturday night at the strip club, my wife will be dancing and I will buy you and your new hunk a drink.
How do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
Here you go again... using other peoples questions.
Get your own questions...
who likes a female calling herself, %26quot;MANLY GIRL%26quot;?!....that just makes it sound like you're a Lesbian and you are the %26quot;butch%26quot; of the relationship......it doesn't sound like you are a good wife or a good woman. this question doesn't even sound like it's real.
but I got my 2 points! woohoo! thanks %26quot;butch%26quot;ey
is it THAT hard to just be honest with the man? Dont be a coward.
So youre leaving a man who treated you great because he gained a little weight? Wow! you must be a supermodel yourself!
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
My wife of 12 years has been wonderful to me and our children. Faithful, loving and kind. Problem is that she got sick and gained about 35 pounds. Number one, i don't play nurse. Number two, i don't do fatties. Frankly i can't stand the sight of her fat arss any more so i am leaving her with a woman i met at astrip club 2 weks ago. I do not want to get stuck paying any kind of support. Guys,, you know how it is. Women...keep your big mouths shut.
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
when you figure it out would you get rid of my husband's pig ex wife, too?
And her post would be %26quot;how to I change my identity to leave my *sshole shallow husband.%26quot;
SHALLOW. I hope the stripper gives you a disease! sounds like fun!
Ok, I couldn't resist. I do understand that you are not physically attracted to your wife anymore. Have you tried helping her lose the weight? If you help her, she would lose it faster and would be the beautiful loving wife that you used to have. Of course it's your call, but all I ask is that you tell her that she is fat. Just kindly let her know that you two have drifted apart and you want something different that she is offering.
your the pig !!
35lbs can be lost easily, the stretched out whole you are chasing that has had probably much better penis up it than your own cant be changed, or can the stds and that this stripper most likely has. if you are such a low life to leave your wife over 35lbs then you need to walk your a$$ into jail and become someones *****
In one of the recent issues of rolling stone magazine there is a fascinating article about a woman who changed her identity about 5 times; it describes why she did it, how she did it each time, what was needed to get the new paperwork, and what information is verified and what is not (ie. you can make it up).
I think it was in the issue with the pink cover and lady gaga on it.
Of course you'll get stuck with support, and when you see how much, you wont have much to say then, will you?
Well changing your identity is pretty tricky in today's electronic society. Do you have any sort of pre-nup with your wife? If not, you''ll have to get yourself a good lawyer.
Though refrain from calling your wife a pig when you give him the story. You want to give him a reason to represent you remember.
All you have to do is go down to the court hous and get you infromation change. Call your wife a pg is sad. But good luck
Sounds good man but you're going to have to pay up unless you leave the country, the government has their back 100% even when they're the ones who cheat. Good luck
%26quot;I don't do fatties.%26quot; LMAO.
This may be my favorite question ever.
Perhaps you should just show her this.
You're a coward if you just leave, and that makes you the pig. Have the cojones to tell her why you're leaving; then she'll at least know that she can do far better.
WOW!! you are an ***#$*%. thank god I am not married to you.
You are the pig. I bet there is a lot more to this one.You S_---K Dude Big Time. When you figure out how to do it share it with the world and you 'll be a millionaire and an A--Hole
You are only %26quot;one%26quot; of the dumb fools that stripper is jacking for money! when she is done with you she will drop you like a bad habit and be done with your sorry ***! then your gonna wish you had ur wife back!
I hope this is a joke because you are a pathetic excuse for a human. Do they even classify things as disgusting as you as humans anymore? Crawl back into the slime **** of a hole you came from. Shame on your mother for giving an, obviously intoxicated and heroine assisted, birth to such an unappreciative bastard. Enjoy hell. %26lt;3
just tell her how you feel and then you probably wouldnt have to change your identity because she wouldnt want you anymore.
Ha haa woman do the same thing so don't feel bad we are all equal today just as the woman wanted it . I hope they enjoy there equality as much as we have to . Hard to change identities though today . I tried after my ex hoe wife the stripper focked up my credit so be careful with those strippers and be prepared to share the meet . Just saying you may not know how good you have it . Your best bet as well as mine was you should have never been married in the first place . If you wanted kids you should have just used her for an incubator . But its way to late for all that . Sorry you just made the wrong bed
TROLL check his other questions .
Guys would you date a chic with kids?
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
Is there any type of camp to rehabilitate young atheists?
Why don't women understand they were put here to serve and be obediant to men?
Was it wrong to beat up a senior citizen?
I think this must be a joke of some kind to get all us women in an uproar. If not, you don't know what marriage vows truly mean so I advise you not to get married to the disease infested drug sucking slut you plan to shack up with. I also advise you to quit your job and have your stripper support you, she can make the extra cash screwing the other men in the private rooms. Hoepfully there are enough hotel motel holiday inns in the area that you guys can rotate to so no one ever finds you again - and you know the children won't mind you being out of their lives, won't they be better off? Your ex is going to loose 40 pounds and find the man of her dreams and your newly fat stripper girlfriend, who becomes pregnant, won't be able to work - sounds like a nice life cut our for ya. Good luck
haha i just saw a question how do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
when you figure it out would you get rid of my husband's pig ex wife, too?
And her post would be %26quot;how to I change my identity to leave my *sshole shallow husband.%26quot;
SHALLOW. I hope the stripper gives you a disease! sounds like fun!
Ok, I couldn't resist. I do understand that you are not physically attracted to your wife anymore. Have you tried helping her lose the weight? If you help her, she would lose it faster and would be the beautiful loving wife that you used to have. Of course it's your call, but all I ask is that you tell her that she is fat. Just kindly let her know that you two have drifted apart and you want something different that she is offering.
your the pig !!
35lbs can be lost easily, the stretched out whole you are chasing that has had probably much better penis up it than your own cant be changed, or can the stds and that this stripper most likely has. if you are such a low life to leave your wife over 35lbs then you need to walk your a$$ into jail and become someones *****
In one of the recent issues of rolling stone magazine there is a fascinating article about a woman who changed her identity about 5 times; it describes why she did it, how she did it each time, what was needed to get the new paperwork, and what information is verified and what is not (ie. you can make it up).
I think it was in the issue with the pink cover and lady gaga on it.
Of course you'll get stuck with support, and when you see how much, you wont have much to say then, will you?
Well changing your identity is pretty tricky in today's electronic society. Do you have any sort of pre-nup with your wife? If not, you''ll have to get yourself a good lawyer.
Though refrain from calling your wife a pig when you give him the story. You want to give him a reason to represent you remember.
All you have to do is go down to the court hous and get you infromation change. Call your wife a pg is sad. But good luck
Sounds good man but you're going to have to pay up unless you leave the country, the government has their back 100% even when they're the ones who cheat. Good luck
%26quot;I don't do fatties.%26quot; LMAO.
This may be my favorite question ever.
Perhaps you should just show her this.
You're a coward if you just leave, and that makes you the pig. Have the cojones to tell her why you're leaving; then she'll at least know that she can do far better.
WOW!! you are an ***#$*%. thank god I am not married to you.
You are the pig. I bet there is a lot more to this one.You S_---K Dude Big Time. When you figure out how to do it share it with the world and you 'll be a millionaire and an A--Hole
You are only %26quot;one%26quot; of the dumb fools that stripper is jacking for money! when she is done with you she will drop you like a bad habit and be done with your sorry ***! then your gonna wish you had ur wife back!
I hope this is a joke because you are a pathetic excuse for a human. Do they even classify things as disgusting as you as humans anymore? Crawl back into the slime **** of a hole you came from. Shame on your mother for giving an, obviously intoxicated and heroine assisted, birth to such an unappreciative bastard. Enjoy hell. %26lt;3
just tell her how you feel and then you probably wouldnt have to change your identity because she wouldnt want you anymore.
Ha haa woman do the same thing so don't feel bad we are all equal today just as the woman wanted it . I hope they enjoy there equality as much as we have to . Hard to change identities though today . I tried after my ex hoe wife the stripper focked up my credit so be careful with those strippers and be prepared to share the meet . Just saying you may not know how good you have it . Your best bet as well as mine was you should have never been married in the first place . If you wanted kids you should have just used her for an incubator . But its way to late for all that . Sorry you just made the wrong bed
TROLL check his other questions .
Guys would you date a chic with kids?
How do i change my identity to leave my pig(wife)?
Is there any type of camp to rehabilitate young atheists?
Why don't women understand they were put here to serve and be obediant to men?
Was it wrong to beat up a senior citizen?
I think this must be a joke of some kind to get all us women in an uproar. If not, you don't know what marriage vows truly mean so I advise you not to get married to the disease infested drug sucking slut you plan to shack up with. I also advise you to quit your job and have your stripper support you, she can make the extra cash screwing the other men in the private rooms. Hoepfully there are enough hotel motel holiday inns in the area that you guys can rotate to so no one ever finds you again - and you know the children won't mind you being out of their lives, won't they be better off? Your ex is going to loose 40 pounds and find the man of her dreams and your newly fat stripper girlfriend, who becomes pregnant, won't be able to work - sounds like a nice life cut our for ya. Good luck
haha i just saw a question how do i change my identity to leave my hog(husband)?
How can i change my identity?
I hooked it up with some chic i been scamming the other night. Shez a nice girl, sweet, all that crap. She wanted me to use a condom. I tricked her by telling her if i knocked her up we could start a beautiful family(they will buy anything guys!), and that i loved her fat arss. Told her i would provide and support and always be there. Well...already got an airline ticket to designation X, but i dont wanna be tracked down. I need to know how to become somebody else. Thanx guys and women, open your mouth real wide, take off one of your smelly socks and stuff it in your mouth. I dont need any preachin or lectures.
How can i change my identity?
you're a dick,
with the technology these days,
changing your identity wont do much.
How can i change my identity?
you're a dick,
with the technology these days,
changing your identity wont do much.
Human Resource Development interview?
I have to interview a HRD professional for a school project and was wondering if there's anyone out there whose willing to answer some questions. The more then better i guess.
What kind of training do you do?
What type of industry do you work in?
Where do you work?
What position are you in/job title.
What do you do in your job?
What has change in your job from the past five years?
Where do you see the HRD field going in the next 5-10 years?
What kinds of problems do you face working in the HRD field?
What training do you provide or receive?
How do you evaluate training?
Is there anything that you wish can be change about the HRD field?
Pseudonyms will be use to protect your and your company's identity.
Human Resource Development interview?
I am a career consultant and former HRD and I would suggest that you call one of the following or all of the following companies and ask them to suggest someone local that you can call and reference for your assignment. It will be better received and be more creditable . See which company names come up the most. Most HR Directors will be happy to answer your questions.
Chamber of Commerce
Unemployment Office
Local United Way and/or Red Cross office
Any large local company and ask for the HR Receptionist and tell her what you need. She should be able to help you.
The professionals at these companies should be able to provide you with some contact information.
Good Luck with your project!
I have to interview a HRD professional for a school project and was wondering if there's anyone out there whose willing to answer some questions. The more then better i guess.
What kind of training do you do?
What type of industry do you work in?
Where do you work?
What position are you in/job title.
What do you do in your job?
What has change in your job from the past five years?
Where do you see the HRD field going in the next 5-10 years?
What kinds of problems do you face working in the HRD field?
What training do you provide or receive?
How do you evaluate training?
Is there anything that you wish can be change about the HRD field?
Pseudonyms will be use to protect your and your company's identity.
Human Resource Development interview?
I am a career consultant and former HRD and I would suggest that you call one of the following or all of the following companies and ask them to suggest someone local that you can call and reference for your assignment. It will be better received and be more creditable . See which company names come up the most. Most HR Directors will be happy to answer your questions.
Chamber of Commerce
Unemployment Office
Local United Way and/or Red Cross office
Any large local company and ask for the HR Receptionist and tell her what you need. She should be able to help you.
The professionals at these companies should be able to provide you with some contact information.
Good Luck with your project!
Email and password. can someone help me please?
okay. so my girlfriend keeps breaking into my email because she knows the answers to the questions it asks to verify your identity in the case of forgetting your password. How do i change the question?
Email and password. can someone help me please?
Better bet is to change girlfriends.
I'm assuming you mean within Yahoo! Mail. If so, contact Yahoo since they don't give us this option. Grand of them, isn't it.database big brother myspace
Email and password. can someone help me please?
Better bet is to change girlfriends.
I'm assuming you mean within Yahoo! Mail. If so, contact Yahoo since they don't give us this option. Grand of them, isn't it.
Should I purchase Identity Theft?
I lost my ssn card a few days ago, so I applied for a new one, and I also put a fraud alert with the 3 credit bureaus, BUT I was reading this Protection Plan they offer for $15 a month and I was wondering, is it a good idea to sing up for it? They give you a $20,000 insurance policy with no limits on how often you check your credit reports and they also monitor any BIG changes in your credit....So if you have any experience or input in this matter, I would greatly appreciate your comments!!!
Should I purchase Identity Theft?
Well I worked for a bank that sold ID Protect but in reality I don't think it works in most cases because there is people who could have gotten a hold of you SSN a while ago, I mean if you call any customer service and give your SSN more than likely they write it down and it goes to the trash and then you have people going through garbage to get that kind of info, what I would just do is get a membership with a credit check company and they send you info about your credit every month and you can keep track of it and if anything does happen which more than likely it wont you have to just go through the goverment which is the same thing but cheaper.
Try it out I mean they will try to tell you all this stuff just to sign up for IDP but really they get comission so don't listen. It's better to take advise from someone who knows about it and isn't benifitting from it.
Hope everything works out for you and you have any other question let me know.
Should I purchase Identity Theft?
I don't think it's necessary.
just check with ur credit bureaus.. and keep checking ur acct info every week...thats what protection plan really does... so whats the point just do it ur self ..which saves u money and time in some ways..
I think those Identity theft insurance programs way overcharge ($15 a month) for what they offer. Placing the fraud alert with the credit bureaus and monitoring your credit report once a year (you are entitled to one free credit report annually) should be sufficient to protect you from any fraud.
If had a need to check your credit report more than once a year, then you could order another one for much less than you would be paying for the insurance ($180 a year).
You are not liable personally anyway for any fraud someone commits in your name. What those insurance policies offer that you can't really do for yourself is reimburse you for any time and financial costs associated with having to straighten out any identity issues.
The only real reason I can see for getting this plan is if you are someone who chronically worries. In that case, the $180 a year may be worth the piece of mind it brings you.
Zander Insurance, a frequent advertiser on the Dave Ramsey Show, has come up with a new identity theft protection program, called their %26quot;Identity Safegaurds%26quot; program which might be a good solution for people worried about having their identity stolen, and really, we all should be worrying about it because it's happening so often and the instances of theft are growing rapidly. In addition to the prevention services, they do a great job on cleaning up the mess if your identity is stolen. They will assign you a personal recovery representative which is essentially a case worker for you. They'll put fraud victim alerts on your credit bureaus, notify creditors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies. They'll work with you to take care of any legal issues and make sure your identity theft mess has been cleaned up. In the event that you have to miss work or have to pay anything to clean up after your identity theft has been stolen, such as legal fees, court costs, credit reports, all the way up to $20,000 per individual, and there's no deductible to speak of. Overall this product is very solid. If you're going to get identity theft insurance, Zander insurance is definitely the place to go for it. It actually takes care of the problem rather than just writing you a check and making you clean up the mess.
I have a rider on my home owners policy...$25 bucks a year.
Credit cards have become a necessity in society nowadays, you can't go anywhere without having to use one. That's why it's imperative to maintain a good%26lt;!--credit rating and use your credit card smart. Lots of credit card related question been asked here and yours just another one. Check it out this website, hope it helps.
After all, without a credit card, it's harder to live, and especially hard to shop online. Lots of credit card related questions are often being asked and yours is just another one. Credit cards are great to use as long as you control them--%26gt;They are useful, helpful, and make buying things a whole lot easier. But it's important to remember that people go into thousands of dollars of debt because of them, and the same thing could happen to you
Should I purchase Identity Theft?
Well I worked for a bank that sold ID Protect but in reality I don't think it works in most cases because there is people who could have gotten a hold of you SSN a while ago, I mean if you call any customer service and give your SSN more than likely they write it down and it goes to the trash and then you have people going through garbage to get that kind of info, what I would just do is get a membership with a credit check company and they send you info about your credit every month and you can keep track of it and if anything does happen which more than likely it wont you have to just go through the goverment which is the same thing but cheaper.
Try it out I mean they will try to tell you all this stuff just to sign up for IDP but really they get comission so don't listen. It's better to take advise from someone who knows about it and isn't benifitting from it.
Hope everything works out for you and you have any other question let me know.
Should I purchase Identity Theft?
I don't think it's necessary.
just check with ur credit bureaus.. and keep checking ur acct info every week...thats what protection plan really does... so whats the point just do it ur self ..which saves u money and time in some ways..
I think those Identity theft insurance programs way overcharge ($15 a month) for what they offer. Placing the fraud alert with the credit bureaus and monitoring your credit report once a year (you are entitled to one free credit report annually) should be sufficient to protect you from any fraud.
If had a need to check your credit report more than once a year, then you could order another one for much less than you would be paying for the insurance ($180 a year).
You are not liable personally anyway for any fraud someone commits in your name. What those insurance policies offer that you can't really do for yourself is reimburse you for any time and financial costs associated with having to straighten out any identity issues.
The only real reason I can see for getting this plan is if you are someone who chronically worries. In that case, the $180 a year may be worth the piece of mind it brings you.
Zander Insurance, a frequent advertiser on the Dave Ramsey Show, has come up with a new identity theft protection program, called their %26quot;Identity Safegaurds%26quot; program which might be a good solution for people worried about having their identity stolen, and really, we all should be worrying about it because it's happening so often and the instances of theft are growing rapidly. In addition to the prevention services, they do a great job on cleaning up the mess if your identity is stolen. They will assign you a personal recovery representative which is essentially a case worker for you. They'll put fraud victim alerts on your credit bureaus, notify creditors, financial institutions, and law enforcement agencies. They'll work with you to take care of any legal issues and make sure your identity theft mess has been cleaned up. In the event that you have to miss work or have to pay anything to clean up after your identity theft has been stolen, such as legal fees, court costs, credit reports, all the way up to $20,000 per individual, and there's no deductible to speak of. Overall this product is very solid. If you're going to get identity theft insurance, Zander insurance is definitely the place to go for it. It actually takes care of the problem rather than just writing you a check and making you clean up the mess.
I have a rider on my home owners policy...$25 bucks a year.
Credit cards have become a necessity in society nowadays, you can't go anywhere without having to use one. That's why it's imperative to maintain a good%26lt;!--credit rating and use your credit card smart. Lots of credit card related question been asked here and yours just another one. Check it out this website, hope it helps.
After all, without a credit card, it's harder to live, and especially hard to shop online. Lots of credit card related questions are often being asked and yours is just another one. Credit cards are great to use as long as you control them--%26gt;They are useful, helpful, and make buying things a whole lot easier. But it's important to remember that people go into thousands of dollars of debt because of them, and the same thing could happen to you
How do you get your credit report "marked" that someone may attempt to fraud you?
The HR dept. at work has been compromised and a lot of employees information, including my driver's license #, SS# and other personal information were stolen. Who knows what is going to happen with it - maybe posted on the internet somewhere. The company offered a year free for some credit report service but I don't think this is enough - sounds like the compnay only sends you a few reports a year - by then somebody has already stolen your identity. I have tried to find info on the big 3 agencies with no luck - phone numbers listed result in nothing but a computer generated operator helping you to order your credit report for a fee or %26quot;this number has been changed...%26quot;. Is there a way to contact the big 3 credit reportng agencies and have my report marked that someone has stolen my information and may attempt to commit fraud? Can I argue with my company about the shoddy offer for one year of reporting? they screwed up - I should get more than that!
How do you get your credit report %26quot;marked%26quot; that someone may attempt to fraud you?
Yes, I had to do that. What I had to do was write the 3 credit reporting companies and state what was going on a put a fraud alert. I believe that I was actually able to get a hold of one of the companies at the time-but they probably have all gone automated. I would go to your bank and see if they can help you get in contact with the companies.
How do you get your credit report %26quot;marked%26quot; that someone may attempt to fraud you?
You can put a fraud alert on your credit file. But you may want to freeze your credit file. There's a charge for each bureau and no new accounts will be able to access your credit info. You have to pay fees to unfreeze to allow a credit inquiry.
Experian-888-EXPERIAN (888-397-3742)
How do you get your credit report %26quot;marked%26quot; that someone may attempt to fraud you?
Yes, I had to do that. What I had to do was write the 3 credit reporting companies and state what was going on a put a fraud alert. I believe that I was actually able to get a hold of one of the companies at the time-but they probably have all gone automated. I would go to your bank and see if they can help you get in contact with the companies.
How do you get your credit report %26quot;marked%26quot; that someone may attempt to fraud you?
You can put a fraud alert on your credit file. But you may want to freeze your credit file. There's a charge for each bureau and no new accounts will be able to access your credit info. You have to pay fees to unfreeze to allow a credit inquiry.
Experian-888-EXPERIAN (888-397-3742)
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