Saturday, 4 June 2011

How long will your “I” exist?

Within nature everything changes. Some things grow and something decay. Even matter has a rate of reduction caused by subatomic particles abandoning their nucleolus.

Considering the fact that your body grows and changes but your identity remain constant, why do you think that your “I” will change when your body dies? It seems logical to say if identity is constant through bodily changes it will continue to be constant after the ultimate change of death.|||I%26#039;ll use the Latin word %26#039;ego%26#039; to describe what you are pointing to.

Having been thrown out of my body (twice, at different times) I am aware - or should I say I believe - that your ego is not made of matter, and therefore is not subject to the material processes of time and space. This puts us into a different category of Life altogether.

Re-incarnationists believe that outside of the space/time continuum, we exists as beings who are part of higher beings, who are part . . . .until we get to the stage where we step up to the bottom rung of the next ladder. This is the process of learning, where we enter a body, and learn things, gaining experience which takes us to the next lifetime with a bit more wisdom.

In the end (if there is such a thing) we are all part of the one Force,I call Life. Some call it God, but whatever, we are all part of It, and It is part of Us.

Confused? Join the club.|||Quit smoking so much pot.|||You can%26#039;t exist without love,

and there is no %26quot;I%26quot; in the word love. %26lt;}:-})-{♥|||till I die. then I become something else.|||Once you die your body will begin to decay, but your soul will always be in existence. Once you die your soul will either go to Heaven or Hell. If you trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and asked Him to forgive you of your sins and come nto your life He will and you will go to Heaven once you die. If you choose not to except Christ yow will haveto go to Hell. You see God cannot allow sin into Heaven so He provided a sacrifice a way of washng our sins away by accepting Jesus. Jesus washes all sins away. You will exist as long as God wants you on this earth. :-)|||It depends on what you believe in. Personally, I believe that our consciousness/spirit will go on once our bodies die, but we will lose our identity after a while. I think we will still have some of the same things, maybe our names and voices, but our features may become less distinct. Ultimately, we%26#039;ll be one with something great...I just don%26#039;t know what that is.|||Well my identity does change, but the sense of %26quot;I%26quot; does remain constant, and I think that%26#039;s what you mean.. However one thing that allows for knowing that the %26quot;I%26quot; is constant is memory. If my memory goes, even if %26quot;I%26quot; may continue to exist, I will no longer be aware of my existence outside of the moment.

This doesn%26#039;t preclude life after death, or even continued consciousness necessarily. But conversely the continued awareness of self during life doesn%26#039;t necessarily mean there will be continued awareness after life.|||Seeing as how %26quot;I%26quot; am just the collection of thoughts and experiences packaged in this particular brain, when that fails, %26quot;I%26quot; will cease to be.|||only I know! (no pun intended)|||I believe that self-identity is merely a cultural convention born naturally of our sentience. I do not identify %26quot;myself%26quot; (for lack of a better word) to myself. Since you mentioned the sub-atomic level I will also mention the microscopic. Is it fair to say that we are a colony of cells each living and although inter-dependent, each a living organism?

If that is so, then self-awareness is the sole anchor to self-identity.

If you say that my %26quot;I%26quot; remains constant despite the state of entropy that rules over matter. Then the veritable question is %26quot;How long will the state of entropy last%26quot;? How long will time exist?

If my identity remains regardless of time passing, what happens in the eventuality of a total absence of time?

Since we know there is no Cosmological Constant, there is no reason to not believe in the Big Rip theory, which predicts the end of time itself.

Then surely my %26quot;I%26quot; will cease to exist as matter and time will be gone.

As with all philosophical questions though, I will be complacent into finding no definitive answer.

Will my own death break the bond of my identity (if I am to assume I have one attributed by means other than self-awareness or societal consensus)?

After my death, won%26#039;t my relatives still refer to %26quot;Me%26quot;? Will I cease to be a colony of cells that can be mathematically referred to as 1 unit of live/dead human?

No, but my identity will have mutated. As all things, physical or conceptual.

Lavoisier said: %26quot;Nothing creates itself, nothing erases itself, all transforms.%26quot;