Saturday, 4 June 2011

If you have had accounts suspended, and changed your identity....?

have you ever changed your Y!A identity, and found that some people who used to be your contacts don%26#039;t like you as your new incarnation? How about the opposite?|||I lost my last account because I got smashed by a car and can%26#039;t remember my old password. Now my questions go unanswered. It is indeed a sad sad thing.|||Yes. I became a Christian once and there was an atheist (not naming names) who i was friends with who was unusually mean to my Christian incantation)

a lot of people that like Phantom of the Opera, really liked Phantom of the Scoffera...and I think one or two were upset that it was just me.

EDIT: no, of course not. i%26#039;ll email you. =D|||I don%26#039;t think anyone ever realized I did. When some of my friends lost their Yahoo accounts due to excessive reporting on Y!A, I stopped using my main Yahoo account and set up this one, leaving behind a level six Y!Answers account. But I don%26#039;t think anyone noticed the difference.

You still question and answer in the same fashion, love -- are you encountering friction?

.|||Nope, I%26#039;ve not done that, but it actually sounds like it would be interesting. Hmmm.....who shall I come back as.....?|||I really dont remember who ı was... I was 74 different things....|||Yes, I change my username and avatar sometimes to reflect my mood and some users love me when I%26#039;m one persona, hate me when I%26#039;m the other.|||no. but freedom of thought and freedom of expression is a right protected by the Beloved Constitution of America for which many have paid the supreme price for.

hosanna to the %26quot;Spirit of Freedom%26quot; [CVN73].[JAG]

Freedom is worth fighting for... don%26#039;t you agree?

Happy 4†h of July!

In God We Trust.amen


================= †|||I changed my identity. Been suspended 26 times. You know who I am. i think.. hehe|||I just came back this week after a long absence, and I%26#039;m not using a similar name or avatar to avoid those who I cheesed off the first time.

But to your question, how could anybody possibly like you less? Assuming you are who I think you are. You didn%26#039;t join the FLDS on us did ya?

BTW, whatever happened to Weemaryanne? You and her were my two favorite heathen babes!|||Bettie you where my 1st R%26amp;S contact followed By Kallan, and I get the impression you don%26#039;t like me these days so it seems likely.|||yes, I have had to email someone and tell then who I was. people form different impressions of you,based on your q and a|||Everyone seemed to like Ronnie Mac and Billthakat... with B-Krak I never really tried to stand out much so its not really a good comparison.|||I think the opposite, because I added them with my original account and they don%26#039;t seem to like me at all.

I think they like me better as Stargirl than me as me!

:).|||I have a %26quot;troll%26quot; account, if you could call it that - just for a goof.

People think the character is an atheist, and yeah, people who don%26#039;t like me love the other. I don%26#039;t know if it puts off people who do like me, though.

I do think people get me more with my picture rather than an avatar. I%26#039;m pretty straightforward, and with the avatars sometimes I%26#039;m afraid I came across as sarcastic or mean. IDK.|||Hmmm hope it wasn%26#039;t me because I adore you.

I have been quite crabby lately.|||I%26#039;ve had my main account suspended 4 times. Each time I came back, I tried to reinvent myself cause I just come across these great ideas for avatars and names (remember %26quot;assaulted peanut%26quot; and %26quot;red wagon%26quot;?)

Each time I come out the same as I was before, and I always come back to the good ol%26#039; Ramjet name. It%26#039;s how people know me.

Although - the 2nd time I did that - I think it was with red wagon, I had someone tell me I was a clone of ramjet because %26quot;the ramjet I know would never say that%26quot; and then they blocked me..... I don%26#039;t know what I said, but it cheesed someone off... teehee

Anyway - that was the only time someone who formerly liked me no longer liked me. but I%26#039;m a sucker - I can%26#039;t lie and end up telling people who I am.
