Saturday, 4 June 2011

Pagans/Heathens: Have you changed your religious identity?

Do you identify yourself in the same way or follow the same religion that you did when you were first exposed to Paganism or a Pagan religion?

Or have you redefined your beliefs or even changed Pagan religions entirely?

I%26#039;m basically wondering how many people have ended up essentially at the same place they started and how many have modified beliefs while still remaining Pagan. |||I began my path 13 years ago in a more Atheistic camp... %26quot;I don%26#039;t believe in God(s)! But I like magick! Wheee!%26quot;

Figuring out that I was best served by an eclectic path was a good move on my part. I%26#039;ve always embraced the idea that I don%26#039;t have the answers, and that no one path seems to have the answers I%26#039;m looking for. Instead, I%26#039;ve found them randomly scattered within other contexts, and put them into a more cohesive form that seems to work. Change is what has made that possible. And reasearch. Lot%26#039;s and lot%26#039;s of research. I%26#039;ve definitely noticed changes in myself and in the nature of my path that came through that process.

It would be strange if I didn%26#039;t change, based on all of that. And, kind of funny that you should mention it...

I%26#039;m in a mirky place compared to where I%26#039;ve started. I%26#039;m on the precipice of some big changes based on experiences I can%26#039;t quite rectify. My comfortable Pantheist/Archetypal shoes don%26#039;t quite fit anymore, and I%26#039;m sincerely confused. But... the Erisian in me embraces it. I may not get it now, but it%26#039;s good for me. In the long run. |||I started in Wicca, and I still consider myself Wiccan.

My tradition of Wicca changed its name shortly after I began, I consider myself a member of both.

I%26#039;ve only ever added, never substracted.|||My beliefs change regularly, although in very small ways now.

They used to change quite a bit from time to time before I learned what we are and why we%26#039;re here.|||Totally different place now then when I began. So far it%26#039;s in a different sport let along a different field LOL

I went from generic neo-pagan to Norse Heathen Reconstructionism.|||Wow, how do you just change, where is your anchor and line drawn?|||I started out in Wicca. I%26#039;ve evolved %26amp; changed over time. I think of myself more as a celtic pagan now.|||Started Wiccan. Still Wiccan. I%26#039;ve looked at a lot of other beliefs, particularly Celtic Reconstructionism, but I always come back to Wicca. My understanding of Wicca has, of course, evolved considerably over the past 20 years, as have my practices and I have gained a better understanding of those whom I follow.|||I%26#039;m still in flux.

Investigated Wicca and Druidism and decided they weren%26#039;t for me. Investigated Celtic Recon...a lot closer to what I believe, but I still have some issues with it.

Right now I don%26#039;t define myself, except for as a %26quot;Celtic polytheist%26quot;. I%26#039;m studying as much as I can.|||well at first i considered myself a pagan wiccan, but i know now that im not, im just a pagan who does some spells

i have become more serious about my pagan side as time has gone on,

my beleifs adapt regularly, but the basics stay the same, i remain pagan to the core, its who i am, but that doesnt mean my thoughts or experiences wont change or affect me, thats how we become who we are|||Change?? When i was 5, I wanted to be baptised. Mom wouldn%26#039;t let me. She told me I was too young to make my mind up about what I wanted spiritually. Well this stuck. When I was 17 a bf of mine took me to see heavens gates hells flames...then I was athiest. That program is a terrifying description of God!! When I was 18 I became peagan/wiccan for a while. Then when I was 23 i became a christian in a baptist church. There was something missing so I was born again into the methodist church when I was 25. There is still something missing so i found Edgar Caycee%26#039;s ARE and the Unity Church when I was 26. Tired of being baptised and rebaptised I decided just to study and make up my own mind when I got to where I could. I%26#039;m still not there yet. I am currently studing A Coarse in Miracles and reading The Disappearance of the Universe. And this is where I am now and I am 28. I still have a long way to evolve, it%26#039;s exhausting and will be happy when I become fully enlightened. But to be there I%26#039;m afraid I have to die first. LOL.|||i%26#039;m continually evolving. i started as a goddess-centered solitary wiccan, now i%26#039;m a quasi-panentheist polytheist with a male patron.

know that i know my god, i could never be anything but pagan.|||I tweaked my beliefs slightly since coming to Paganism. But because there is no tradition or name for what I believe, I just identify as Witch.|||answer: I started in 1982, the early days of Wicca starting to become popular. There wasn%26#039;t a lot of information out except Starhawk, Z Budapest and a couple others. I tried fitting into Wicca and then called myself eclectic pagan and kept exploring because there was something missing. I couldn%26#039;t buy into the %26quot;the gods and goddesses are all aspects of a cosmic divine%26quot; and other stuff just didn%26#039;t ring for me.

10 years later (after exploring Celtic and Native American traditions) I found Heathenism and found the religion that sings to my very nature, that I had been looking for in the Marine Corps, in Christianity (and VERY lacking) and in Wicca.

I haven%26#039;t changed my religious identity since but I have clarified my beliefs along the way.

|||Spiritually I think I have always been a pagan, it was a long journey to discover there was a word for what I believed. I discovered Wicca when I was 20, studied for a few years... realised it wasn%26#039;t for me. When I was young, I was a rebel, and didn%26#039;t have the patience or tolerance for any form of organised religion.

I have always loved and been drawn to the religions of my people, the Celts and the Norse, and I think my gypsy blood is what originally drew me to the Craft. But I find as I grow older, it is the religion of Kemet that I find the most appealing. |||I have always identifed myself as a traditional Wiccan/ Pagan according to the information I have gotten from a study of the old tribes of Europe.I have never considered myself Neo-Pagan and never will.I follow a strictly Pre-English ,Pre-Christian form of Wicca and have only reenforced my beliefs through the cultural study of the Celts of Old Britain.I do not appologize for my views and info and do not compromise my practice except to the point of adapting to modern man law (to avoid prison) and not promoting certain old practices that could be dangerous to my students or myself due to the society we live in. Respect and Regards Mike