Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Are you an adult PK in ministry?

~ Attention adult PKs in ministry ~

I am interested in interviewing some pastors that grew up as a PK for a research project.

If this is something you would be interested in, I am listing the interview questions below.

My hope is to get a better understanding of how growing up in the church as a PK may has changed your perspective and affect on ministry.

1. How did your family create boundaries between church life and home life? What does that look like now that you have your own ministry?

2. What type of expectations did the congregation have for you as a PK? What was your response to those expectations? In what ways has their expectations changed now that you are a pastor?

3. When you are a PK, you see a lot of the “behind the scenes” type things such as the back stabbing, cheating, and lying within the church body. How did this change your perspective on ministry or the way you deal with people now?

4. In what ways did you find it difficult to have your own identity? What are some things that helped you overcome those things?

5. How is your father or mothers ministry different than your own? (Perhaps there is something you did not agree with or relate to that you steer clear of now - or perhaps you find yourself doing some of the same things your parent use to do.)

6. Answer only if you have children… How has your perspective changed in the way that you raise your children in the church in light of your experience as a PK? How is this different than how you were raised?
Are you an adult PK in ministry?
I would love to see these answers, so I will star it. I'm a PKK and followed in my dad's footsteps...I was a brat, pain in the neck and didn't follow any of the home or at church...Wish things had of been different when I was younger. I would be a Preachers wife now, with little PK's of my own....sigh....