Friday, 16 September 2011

How would you feel if this was you & would it change your opinion on illegal immigration?

A woman who purchased a Texas woman's name and social security number to get a job in Alamance County was charged with identity theft.

Alamance County Sheriff's Department received a call from Veronica Arias of Combes, Texas last week. Arias reported to authorities that someone was using her name and social security number, according to a sheriff's department news release.

%26quot;Mrs. Arias has been contacted by the Internal Revenue Service in reference to unreported earnings in Alamance County,%26quot; the release states. %26quot;The Social Security Administration advised her that the individual was using her social security number for employment with Honda Power Equipment in Swepsonville.%26quot;

Honda officials verified that they had an employee using that name and social security number. After an investigation, the sheriff's department determined that Maria Sanchez, 30, of Ivey Road, Graham was allegedly using Arias' information.

%26quot;Mrs. Sanchez, an illegal immigrant from Mexico, advised that she purchased the name and social security number but refused to discuss how the information was obtained,%26quot; the release states.

Sanchez was charged with identity theft and was placed in Alamance County jail under $10,000 bond.
How would you feel if this was you %26amp; would it change your opinion on illegal immigration?
My opinion on illegal immigrants is that they are criminals and have no rights.

Hopefully Sanchez gets deported. We should start electronically tagging the ones we release back %26quot;into the wild%26quot; so we can get them when they try to come back.

How anyone could get a free ride in all departments and still be ungrateful and unwilling to adapt is beyond me. Where will they go when they turn the US into Tiujana? And what will their 7 kids per family do to support themselves as the welfare system will surely be over by then?
How would you feel if this was you %26amp; would it change your opinion on illegal immigration?
I have no tolorance for illegal immigrants.

They CLEARLY understand they are breaking (many) laws both in coming here, and staying here. It's mind boggling to see people step up to defend such wrongful actions in defense of the ILLEGALS.
oh you get ready, the ones that support illegal immigration will say %26quot;she was just trying to better her life%26quot;. Yeah, by ruining an actual legal citizens!! They do much more damage then this type of stuff, its pathetic.
I have ethics and morals so I would not engage in such a thing as this. Which person's side are you on?

I support the woman that had her identity stolen.

I empathize with the woman from Mexico. She must be desperate. But that doesn't mean that she shouldn't pay the price for what she did. This is what I would call breaking our laws for her own personal gain. She did what she wanted to do without thinking of the consequences or of anyone else's rights.

Shame on Mexico's government! They are the problem.
This is insane; however, I must tell you that NOT all of them fully understand how illegal this is. I can tell you because I work directly with border patrol.

We should rather look at our government system rather than at the individual. Think about it for a minute. Our government lacks the skills or resources to deal with the problem; however, we cannot just complain and not do anything about it. People can help by sharing ideas with the people in office; this is the foundation of our nation. We are a nation that has functioned on ideas...powerful ideas that have worked in the past.

This case is ridiculous, and it kills me to see that people are able to %26quot;purchase%26quot; information such as names and social security numbers. Also, I agree with another person that answered. This is identity theft, it is the crime that was committed. The fact that this person was illegal is relevant, but not to this situation. Americans go to prison every day for stealing identities from other Americans.
I think she should be deported back to what ever country she came from after she serves her time. all her belongings need to be sold to make reparations to the woman who identity she stole.
I would be upset to say the least. The illegals are the majority of identity theft offenders as well as many other crimes that harm Americans. My opinion of illegal immigration would be the same,get them out and keep them out.
ILLEGAL immigrants. ILLEGAL. doesn't that word mean anything to anyone anymore? why was she only placed in county jail under $10,000 bond instead of kicked out of the country? she's not a citizen of this country and a criminal, she has no rights here.
i will very angry is this happen to me but it is about identity theft and usually iligal people obtain names and ssn to work illigally and nothing else americans that commit the same crime use it to buy thing to get money wich ruins ur credit.but also lets be realistic if we take all the inmigrants out we as a country will be in a lot of economic trouble... id worked many years ago in a restaurant i saw how mexican cooks worked they did their job good very responsable and stayed there for years (obiously there were also vensry few badones but they were fired) i saw american cooks they stayed for no more than a months always complaining they just dont want to do jobs like that a regular cook earn 10 dollars per hour wich is not bad if we dont have immigrants americans will have to do that kind of job asking for the double money prices will go up in every industry it will be caos... what we need is to protect our borders to stop more coming in rugulirized the status of the ones that are here because lets be realistic they are not going to leave so better have their real names so they dont steal ours and also that they can pay taxes if they r going to leave here then they have to pay like we do...
Illegal immigrants don't use stolen SSNs, they may use fake ones. There is definitely a difference. They don't want to risk getting caught and deported. Plus the US gives them Tax ID Numbers.If you read this story the woman is using a stolen SS# not a fake one, but a real one belonging to somebody else, why else is the IRS contacting her ?As far as a Tax ID number, you cannot obtain work, where it says SS# and insert your Tax ID number and expect to be awarded the job.I wondered why also why would the woman not disclose how she acquired this card ? She's certainly protecting someone. Further there comes a point where people know what is right and what is wrong.If it happen to me, I would press charges.A better life does not involve using anothers true documents
I love to see a happy ending to crimes committed by %26quot;squriless%26quot; (yes as in tree rat) parties that scamper across the limbs of the mighty oak to feast on the nut and acorns that feed the rest of us.

Down with those buck toothed DEVILS!
To the poster above.

This had EVERYTHING to do with illegal immigration. The REASON she stole her identity was so she could assume her identity to work illegally in our country.


If someone's using a Social Security # that is not their own, it's identity theft whether it currently belongs to someone else or not. It's NOT theirs to use...hence the term IDENTITY THEFT.
It doesn't change my opinion at all. Not only is she here illegally, she's screwed up a legal citizen's life.
Illegal aliens = criminals. The illegal immigrants will continue to corrupt America. We allow

anyone to come in here, pop out babies like machine guns, (bonus

check for welfare, which means more money) and allow anyone born here

to become automatic U.S. citizens. Think of the U.S. as a small jar.

Think of the world as a massive glass container. The marbles

represent the long as you try to put more and more in

from the large jar (represents the entire world), to the small jar

(U.S.), eventually, it will start overflowing. That is what is

happening...overpopulation is HUGE right now. The rate we are going

at, we won't ever be able to build enough roads, houses, schools,

hospitals, etc., the way we are growing. The economy is bashed every

single year. I have no idea how much the budget is for illegals, but

it has to be billions, even trillions of dollars. They come here, get

free food, health care, rob from Social Security, live off of

welfare. The more kids they have, the more checks they get, so why

not have eight to ten kids? The financial burden is

telling how many trillions these illegals are costing us yearly. How

do we stop this crisis? Well, just take the benefits away. If we

didn't have all the FREE things to offer, they wouldn't be coming

here. The education...HAVE ALL BOOKS IN ENGLISH. Don't let the

illegals get college education...take them back to Mexico if they

can't get citizenship (it's not like it's hard in the first may be a long process, but not hard.) The unemployment

rates will continue to rise because they come here, don't work or

anything, get everything for FREE, so why should they work...they

just get everything handed to them in the first place. If they get

paid to sit on their butts eating burritos all day instead of

working, why not? Bringing more people in to take jobs...BS! If a

legal U.S. citizen needs a job bad enough, he/she will do whatever

they have to do to get that extra money. If you can't handle the

answer, don't ask the question.
No because according to the FBI statistics, most Identity theft is committed by Whites!. This is an example of just ONE illegal immigrant. If you don't believe me, look it up dude!
Its disturbing... but it does not change my opinion on illegal immigration b/c I am still against and will always be against it... I understand people want to make a good life for themselves, but there are many who do it legally and without trouble...

no matter who it is, identity theft is a horrible crime... the fact that it's an illegal alien makes no difference to me, it's still wrong... and tougher penalties need to be enforced!
Good! Now all we have to do is kick that illegal out!! I am sick and tired of people saying the ILLEGAL immigrants have rights. BULL!! They are not citizens of the United States or they are not here Legally(green card, visa), so they have no rights, no nothing!! If you are here Illegally, get the heck out!! You are not welcomed, you either come in legally or you don't come in at all!! What part of ILLEGAL do people not understand!!!???
One- she broke the law when she came here illegally. Two- she stole someones identity. How many chances does she get? If I break the law, you can bet I will be locked up. She broke the law by coming here illegally. Why isn't she locked up? I forgot, Not all laws apply to all people.
This really isn't about illegal immigration. It is about identity theft. It happens to plenty of people every year. The fact the lady is from Mexico isn't an issue. She ought to be glad that she didn't make her credit worse.
No it does not change my opinion. If it were me I would be upset absolutely. I would also make sure that they are caught. Identity theft is much more of an organized crime situation. Illegal immigrants don't use stolen SSNs, they may use fake ones. There is definitely a difference. They don't want to risk getting caught and deported. Plus the US gives them Tax ID Numbers.

Hey Riot! If you are going to quote me, then do it properly and give me credit! Otherwise, stop plagiarizing! ;)
Boohoo! The stupid ***** should've been guarding her personal information better. Oh well-sux for both of them.
MJ32001.. is so right... its not just mexicans stealing identity... but of course everyone always pinpoints them... and not all mexicans use someone elses names... some use their own names, like my husband, and some of my friends husbands... so that isnt even idendity theft... ITS THEIR NAME... she could of got a car, credit cards, andything but no she just used it to work so she should be thankful!!!