Saturday, 24 September 2011

I need to know about dissociative identity disorder, please read my questions.?

How could you tell if someone is lying about having dissociative identity disorder? What are some questions you could ask to find out for sure? What is it like when you have multiple personalities? What does it feel like when you switch between personalities? What triggers your personalities to change? How does it affect your family? Work? Relationships? Your life? How can you get to know the other personality?(How could I get to know someone else's 'other' personality?)
I need to know about dissociative identity disorder, please read my questions.?
dissociation is a defense against trauma. it helps a person remove themselves from the trauma as it occurs and delays the working through of the trauma. patients have lost sense of having one consciousness.. also it is the separation %26amp; independant functioning of 1 grp of mental processes from others ( mental contents exist in paralell consciousness). the vast majorities of persons who develop DID have documented histories of repetitive overwhelming ife threatening trauma at a sensitive stage of childhood usually before the age of 9. most fequently extreme physical emotional and sexual abuse (as in the movie sybil which i suggest you watch it will give you much insight) current research shows that it affects 1% of the population. A person with DIDfeels as if she has within her two or more entities each with its own independant way of thinking relating perceiving and remembering about her life. it is important to remember that these alternate states may appear to be very different they are manifestations of a single person. the alter egos know of one another and the host though the host is completely unaware of the alter egos. they may have gaps in time that they cannot explain. this disorder is not due to substance or alcohol abuse and is not caused by seizures. each personality is has their own set of memories name description age etc.. they can also have different psychologic effects ie different eyglass perscriptions. they can score differently on psychometric tests.SIGNS/SYMPTOMS: reports of time distortions lapses and discontinuities; being told of behavioral episodes by others that are not remembered bythe DID patient; being recognized by a person calling them by a name that they do not recognize. patient may refer to self as we during conversations or interviews. patient may discover drawings writings objects in their belongings and do not know where they came from and cannot accout for them. headaches are common. transition from one personality to other is sudden. more females suffer from this disorder than men. STEPS IN THERAPY: establish strong theraputic alliance and safe atmosphere/must have consistency adn clear communication/ boundries must be set with most readily reached personalities and make agrms for therapist or patient to not abandon the therapy/gather information from each personality and understand the reasons for their creation and persistence, problems, concerns and how they function/respond to all alter egos the same way/patient will probably pace as a way of dealing with the traumatic events being brough to the surface/facilitaiton of integration of the personalities/press for collaboration and cooperation among the alters/teach new coping skills.ETIOLOGY:it is difficult to differentiate between real and faked cases. psychodynamics perspective is that repression blocks unpleasant and traumatic events from consciousness. there are conflicts in personality structure. opposing personality components disable egos ability to control incompatible elements. treatments for this disorder are not always sucessful. Psychotherapy and hypnosis are most commonly used in DID cases the personalities introduce themselves to the patient and recall the traumatic experiences. therapist suggest that personalities served a purpose but now alternate ccoping stategies will be more effective.Skizophrenia is often confused for DID. DID disorder the personalities are not usuallu psychotic as in skizophrenia to know if one is faking is difficult you must establish if the person can recieve material gain from the disorder in some way. DID patients will often also have borderline personality disorder. substance related disorders sometimes also occur with DID. it is an AXIS I disorder in the DSM-IV-TR triggers can be almost anything that reminds the patient of something from their traumatic past. relationships are difficult for a person with DID.

this is all i got right now you can e-mail me if you NEED more and i will see what i can get for you
I need to know about dissociative identity disorder, please read my questions.?
In truth, the only real way to tell if someone has a mental condition is through extensive testing and observation from a licensed psychologist/psychiatrist. Checking for tell tale signs of this type of disorder can be a daughnting task. The most apparent is when a person with a dissociative identity disorder has this personality shift, they will often have a %26quot;fugue%26quot;. In this fugue state, one or more of the personalities will have either no memory of a given time window, or vague memory of a time window.

Other symptoms come in the form of actually having physical responces to the different personalities. Some personalities may have allergies that the host doesn't have and never has, it can even go so far as the personality needing a different prescription eye glasses! They may develop accents, have varying levels of intelligence, body language and interestingly enough, even different hand writing.

There is a commonality when it comes to dissociative personalities and that is that the personalities will have varying degrees of awareness to one another. Some will know the names of other personalities, the mental image of these personalities (what they look like), and other personalities will know about less apparent traits of these personalities such as likes and dislikes, in-depth physical traits, etc.

The truth is, there's no one way to tell if someone's lying about this. I know of someone that was lying about her personalities, and she caught herself in quite a few snares trying to invent stories. If you have some time to dedicate, look into some social psychology theories of lying. A good way to tell if someone is lying would be microexpressions.

In the chance that this person is not lying, as it's a pretty hard facade to keep up.. it's not likely that the personalities will just go away, so they would have to keep up the lie for years! In any case, back to my point. If in the case this person isn't lying, ask the personalities about themselves, and the other personalities. One of the more important things to do in my opinion, is try not to judge. Some personalities, to be blunt, may not like you and this has to be respected. Others will like you, some might even fall in love with you. But try to focus on the host personality through it all.

Hope this helps.