Saturday, 24 September 2011

HELP! Identity crisis?

I'm having trouble finding myself. I dont know who I am, or who I want to be.

I absolutely ADORE metal,

but I also like hard rock, or what some people would call %26quot;screamo%26quot; or emo.

I like the whole emo look too, but I'm worried if I look the part to my emo music, I'll be called a poser in the metal scene.

I'm most certainly NOT a poser, I love metal(I prefer this over emo, but I still love emo music) and I love emo music, I'm just confused about how I should look on the outside.

Please help. Any advice on how to find myself? What should I do? -_-


and if it adds any change in your answer, I'm a girl.
HELP! Identity crisis?
Please, please don't create your 'identity' around music. That would be the identity crisis. Kids who do this advertise that they are lost in their small world. Perhaps you are unique, somewhat mature, and can love the music with out wearing it.
HELP! Identity crisis?
If you enjoy certain genres of music, just let that be. Don't try to fit yourself into categories and neat little boxes. The world will do enough of that for you in life.

I love rock, rap, reggae, classical, Christian, country, Arabic, Japanese, Chinese, French, bluegrass, new age... What does that make me?
First of all you can wear whatever you want to wear and listen to what ever you please. Do what makes you happy, and if people say your a poser big deal. You know your not and that is all that matters. Let them talk ****, just think of something that will get back at them.

Karmas a b*tch!
Wear what you're comfortable with, try out different looks on a daily basis. You're a whole person, not a two dimensional subcultural stereotype. A poser is (at least to my understanding) someone who's only there for the style, and doesn't care about the music. So dress how you feel like dressing, and tell anyone who calls you a poser to %26quot;go *insert dirty word here* themselves%26quot;

People who judge you based solely on appearance are shallow anyway. As for a poser in the metal scene, well, in my experience, most of the more intense metal heads of the world are guys, and guys tend to appreciate it when a girl shows up in a male dominated interest field, regardless of her attire.