Saturday, 24 September 2011

Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?

I am asking this question in relation to a college art project. The theme is identity and how significant events shape who we are today. I am hoping to gather anonymous answers and use them in my project/final piece. Thank you for your time and help!
Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?
Life is an ongoing ever changing process every second...I felt the change in me after realizing I was with someone who was taking much more from me than giving. My heart was broken for a very very long time. Everything changed in my eyes..It felt like a slow painful death that no one can save you from... but, times change and we transform and survive with lessons learned hopefully.

Love and blessings :))
Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?
my dad died of cancer
i went on a journey and i was a changed man when i returned
saw my mom cry for the first time and realised we are all just people no superheros

also seeing a beautiful couture there are endless possibilities
well, there's two actually....first was when my daughter was born 22 years ago now...I was a single parent, and it taught me to stand up for myself and my daughter a lot more, and not to take any nonsense (my daughter had a lot of problems, and I had to fight tooth and nail to find a cure for her)

second was when I was diagnosed with cancer last life is never going to be the same again, although it's a bit early to say how it will shape the way, the prognosis is good though :-)
This is going to sound egotistical, my apologies, but it is true. One moment that changed my life was the first time I found out I knew more than my teachers. I realized I was going to have to learn for myself with my own methods, because the methods in school weren't working for me. That self motivation to learn is still a force in my life even though I haven't been in school for 15 years.
The day I gave birth to my son.
When I was bewildered, there was a turning point, where I exactly took the turn and it helped many people.
my brother was in a fatal car accident, and he was the sole survivor... he was in a coma for months on end and was given the odds of less than 80% for the changes of survival... he was just 18 years old. That changed me because it was so shocking and out of the blue... it made me realise how bad things happen to good people who don't deserve it... it made me realise that there is such a fine line between life and death... there is also a fine line between things being a near miss and a total tragedy. More than anything it made me realise how EVERY interaction you have with someone could be the last... would you really want your last conversation with someone to have ended on a sour note? It made me be far more open and more able to tell people i love them. i am always giving hugs! its no use crying over someones grave telling them how much you cared once they ARE dead, you HAVEto tell them whilst they are alive if you want them to know!!
When you learn that we are only dust in the wind.
I made my get away during a stormy night made it to my destination sopping wet and cold... Frostbitten toes and minor case of hypothermia... ...made me realize what my body could and couldn't take. Made me realize I am not invincible...
Just every moment.
Yes. The Hungarian Revolt in October 1956. I was 13. I watched the exodus of refugees (now called asylum seekers or illegal immigrants) on TV.

I will never forget those images and I have long been an active supporter of the rights of asylum seekers and those fleeing persecution.
don't know if this will help much

the birth of my daughter
the day I dared to try a meditation method. I entered in to this meditation without a specific expectation. And I started to see the world differently. So did every one else who took that seemingly simply process seriously.
I lost my mind but came to my senses. I saw 3-D reality, unfiltered by vocabulary and book facts. I woke up. That was 13 years ago, when I discarded my book education and began to be REAL.
I can name two! 1srt one happened when I was 22 the desert alone, then sent to a war zone! I changed. 2nd one ...a couple of weeks ago, I was driving in a war zone and I almost died!
I don't think you understand the concept of change. Human beings change everyday. Sometimes the change is little and sometimes it is huge. If as I think you mean the latter a huge change in my life would have to be when I learned that I was a philosopher. I was about 15, and I was in the library on the computers when I came across a website that had Plato's %26quot;The Republic%26quot; as I read it I realized who I was and always had been.
This is that nothing changes anything else forever; everything on everything remains to be a temporary influence.

What has changed me, and is still changing me, is the moment to come, the moment yet to be born, the moment I chase after and change myself in the consequences; it is as it is forever.
The moment when i found out that the traitors in my life are the people whom i love and this have changed every perspective in my life that without that discovery, I am not who i am today.
I ceme into the world.
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