Saturday, 24 September 2011

Can you prove me wrong 2?

as do most ministers from their seminary training.

A good study Bible like the Companion explains that His Name is the same as Hoshea, prefixed with the word “Yah” – hence Yahoshea or Yahshua as it was pronounced at the time if His birth. (The “o” in Hoshea began to be dropped after the Babylonian captivity.) If you saw The Passion movie you will recall that the Savior was known exclusively by the Hebrew-Aramaic name “Y’shua.” The Anchor Bible explains His Name Yahshua in a note on Matthew 1:1: “The first element, Yahu (=Yahweh) means ‘the [L-rd],’ while the second comes from shua ‘To help, save’” (vol. 26, p. 2).

In Hebrew all names have meaning. Recall that the angel said that the Son would be given a specific Name because He would “save His people from their sins.” The last part of His Name in Hebrew means just that – “salvation.” But that is not all.

The Bible also quotes the Savior Himself saying that He came in His Heavenly Father’s Name. “I am come in my Father’s name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive,” John 5:43. The prefix “Yah” in His Name Yahshua comes directly from the Father’s Name Yahweh. He literally and truly came in His Father’s Name!

The short family name “Yah” is found in many names in the Bible, including IsaYah (Isaiah), JeremiYah (Jeremiah), Yahel (Joel), and EliYah (Elijah). You even use it when you say the word “halleluYah”! Translators pirated away the family Name when they substituted the letter “y” with “i” or “j” in various names and words.

You will find the Father’s Name in the complete form YHWH (Yahweh) no fewer than 6,823 times in the original Hebrew manuscripts that produced the Old Testament. The Teutonic term “God” does not appear in the Hebrew Old Testament. Nor does it appear in the ancient Greek of the New Testament from which most all modern versions are derived. You can confirm this fact for yourself in any concordance. In the ancient Greek New Testament the term used is the Greek theos or a close variant thereof.

To whom are you really praying if the two most popular names used for the Father and Son are not even in the original Scriptures? Some may be saying, “Well, it doesn’t really matter. He knows who I mean.” How can the worshiper say to the One he or she worships, “I’ll decide what I will call you”? Especially when the Father is so adamant that we call on His Name! Does He need to reveal His Name more than 6,823 times before we will grasp its importance?

No one can change your name without your consent. Neither is it an option for us to call our Creator whatever may be traditional or popular – but incorrect.

Isaiah 52:6 equates being a child of His by this specific characterisitic: “Therefore my people shall know my name.” That is how important His Name is to Him, just as your name is dear to you. How annoying when someone mispronounces or otherwise misuses your name, especially when they know what your name is. Imagine how the Father in heaven feels when you substitute His Name with something else entirely. especially if that substitute name relates to a heathen deity.

Open a Bible concordance like Strong’s or Young’s to the heading “name” and note how many times the Scriptures command us to honor and glorify His Name. Names show identity. You cannot change names without altering an individual’s identity and person. Doing so is identity theft.

In Isaiah 42:8 the Father clearly says, “I am Yahweh [“YHWH” in the Hebrew]: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.”

Fourth Commandment Upgrade?

The Fourth Commandment tells us to “remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy,” meaning set apart. If there were any question about which day of the week is the Sabbath, the commandment nails it down: “Six days shall you labor, and do all your work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yahweh your Elohim…For in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yahweh blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it,” Exodus 20:9-11.

Common wall calendars show that the week ends on Saturday, the seventh day, while Sunday starts a new week. Nothing we can look to in creation tells us when the Sabbath day is. It was divinely instituted at creation by the Father Yahweh Himself, and the sequence of days has remained the same since.

The Messiah Yahshua kept the same commanded Sabbath that His Father Yahweh rested on. He went to the temple and worshiped on the seventh day of the week, as did all of His disciples all of their lives. Not a single passage of Scripture gives anyone permission to switch the day of rest and worship from the Sabbath to Sunday.

That unauthorized change was the work of Roman Emperor Constantine in the 4th century. His edict made Sunday the official day of rest in his realm – a political move in utter disregard of the Fourth Commandment. Major encyclopedias
Can you prove me wrong 2?
This only proves that you are adept at using copy%26gt;paste. Congratulations.
Can you prove me wrong 2?
Fail. Now go away
Holy crap. You got episode 2 for this freaking long lasting question.

seriously no one will read a freaking question like this one .
One thing that caught my eye is: In Hebrew all names have meaning

Gematria is the art assigning a color number and sound to hebrew letters:

For eg, the dove which appeared to Jesus is assigned 801
I didn't read any of it after the first paragraph. Sorry.
Perhaps, but I don't care enough to try
More of your misunderstandings.
I have read your question, and it appears to me, that you did not read what the new testament says about the sabbath, did you?
Yes, I see nothing but a bunch of drivel about an ancient fairy tale. Fairy tales aren't true, therefore they are wrong, in connection making you wrong.
Yes.However I didn't read your long rant so I won't.
I read it all, and I still do not know what you are trying to prove.
The Jesus story is a myth. Just because someone wrote a story almost 2000 years ago and said it was true does not make it true. %26quot;Misquoting Jesus%26quot; by Bart Ehrman is a good starting point.

Rev. Neil