How do your perceptions change?
Especially interested in answers with reference to male bonding, cultural identity and how disinhibition alters behavior.
Also the fact alcohol raises female testosterone production, so
Do you become more chauvinist or more feminist after a few drinks?
Do you become more chauvinist or more feminist after a few drinks?
I'm seeing an interesting pattern in these answers. Whatever parts of your brain contain your core beliefs about other people's worth must be separate from whatever parts are affected by alcohol. Very interesting.
Like many of the above answerers, I don't think my beliefs are altered in that area when I've had a few. I just laugh louder.
Do you become more chauvinist or more feminist after a few drinks?
After 3 buckets of tea in the morning, I become thoughtful- does that count?
Neither. More hedonist(ic).
Don't drink, so it doesn't count for me.
Chauvinism can apply to either sex/gender actually, it's just excessive or prejudiced loyalty or support for one's own cause, group, or gender. I stay the same.
Once I start feeling tipsy, I'm not really caring one way or another about feminism. I do become chatty and very friendly and agreeable. And I'm sure I think I'm coming up with such profound thoughts and statements. That is, until I wake up the next morning and remember all of the stupid things I said the night before. I'm not an angry or confrontational drunk.
No! I'm just fun!
No. Actually, while sober some of my friends and I sarcastically joke around with each other (crudely un-PC, hehe), referencing to each other's culture(s) and gender, it's hilarious.
When I am buzzed or tipsy - I become giggly and cutesy, when I have been drunk (which is not common) - laugh a-lot and talk more in Spanish than usual.
Hmmm, after a few drinks I become very outgoing and start laughing uproariously at men's jokes and then will even chime in with some dirty ones of my own that would make a sailor blush.
Have been known to drink men under the table as well and say to blokes %26quot;Check out the rack on that chick!%26quot;(even though I'm not a lesbian) so I think I'm a bit of a male chauvinist stuck in a chicks body.
I don't drink anymore. I would become less Buddhists. That's for sure. ROFL.
Well, when I drink a few glass of chablis or champagne on dinner,I don't remember acting as a chauvinist or feminist ,I am a conformist tipsy......