Saturday, 24 September 2011

Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?

I am asking in relation to a college project based on identity and how significant moments shape who we are at present.I am hoping to gather anonymous answers and use them in my project/final piece. Thank you for your time and help!
Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?
Not eating for 12 days, while homeless.For a variety of reasons, involving illness, in 1982 I ended up living in my car in a West country village. I had no money and did not eat for 12 days, drank water and washed in the public toilets. Here I was, a middle-class, middle- aged lady, former teacher, wife and mum living (fairly) rough.One day I watched a convoy of lorries full of troops going through the town with people cheering and throwing flowers. When I asked a bystander what was going on I was told, 'The Falklands War is over!' This was the Royal Marines coming home. I had not even known the war was on.This was Thatcher's Britain, where people who had fallen by the wayside were told to 'get on your bike and look for work.'

Thankfully things turned around for me but I never forgot the experience and it taught me a lot.I always give money to beggars and when people say I shouldn't I tell them, ''There, but for the Grace of God go any of us'. However successful you are you're always only one step away from the gutter.
Can you name a moment in your life that changed everything? Something that changed who you are today?
I had a child at 15.Changed everything you knew!
September 2000. met the love of my life
the thing in my life that changed me was having my gorgeous baby boy, it probly sounds stupid but its true , as soon as you have your baby everything in your life changes and you become a mother , like a different person, if youv got a baby youl understand how it changes you lol , best experience of my life and im totaly different from before i had him :)