Wednesday, 21 September 2011

If we could learn one thing from your life, what would it be?

What steps have you taken to better your life? To better yourself? What decision have you made, that created the biggest difference in who you are today? And how did you do it? What brought you to that decision? But even more so, what mistakes have you made that changed your way of thinking?

I see so many ppl that I admire. Not for their successes but by the way they define success. I know people who understand the true identity of happiness and have used their instincts and experiences to guide them along the way. I want to know their stories. I want to know how they've reached that place in their lives. I want to get to that point. So I ask, how? What can I learn from them? What should we learn from you and your life?

If you could choose one lesson in life to pass on to those around you, what would it be?
If we could learn one thing from your life, what would it be?
Live with the mind set that it is the last moment on earth you have.It could be your last.Treasure every smile,every love,every intangible gift you receive and share,share share!

You may ask why do I dare say this to anyone?

I have learned this lesson well.All time is a solid established illusion of safety we create to feel comfortable.I have escaped the grasp of death (brain cancer) 3 times. I also am fortunate enough to be able to speak about it, and to have enough wisdom to say ,it IS a gift.Every tiny blink and breath!Love,laugh and live to the fullest whatever you may do!That is my lesson and knowledge to share with you.My love and gratefulness for you, the strangers, every second that I've been able to convince you ,that your moments and memories are Intangible,Unmeasurable Treasures.
If we could learn one thing from your life, what would it be?

-Virtue -

Reply from: English-English


n 1: the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is

wrong [syn: virtuousness, moral excellence]

2: any admirable quality or attribute; %26quot;work of great merit%26quot;

[syn: merit] [ant: demerit]

3: morality with respect to sexual relations [syn: chastity,

sexual morality]

4: a particular moral excellence
Don't look back, take your time in finding a mate its worth the wait.
When the garbage disposal isn't working, don't stick your face way down in there to see what the problem is!
In few words I'd sum up by saying always introspect yourself at the end of the day. I make mistakes, acknowledging the mistake and taking measures not to repeat it again.Making mistakes helps one to learn and be a better individual so life does not stop for me with a mistake.

Most importantly, there are many mistakes that can be corrected but some are there I must live with it. To face this truth head on is wiser than to sob about it and crib about it. I think this is the very important thing that I've learnt from my short life on earth, and I always try to tell people who are willing to listen to avoid the path to destruction, as life is short so make it sweet. At least I am one of those natural sweetner in anybody's life that can make a bitter or sour life a little bit sweeter. That is a promise.
What I would say is: Let yourself make mistakes, but learn from them instead of letting them pull you down.

I got to where I am today, not that I'm really all that far into life, and am the person I am because I made mistakes. I did not dwell on them, or I have chosen not to any longer.

Fortunately, I like who I am and where I am at this very moment.
Don't procrastinate. Do it now, because circumstances may not allow you to do it tomorrow.
Beliefs are transitory. If you experience suffering, misery or pain, you may want to consider what beliefs you hold that contribute or cause such an existence.

It is one learned lesson in life that can last a life time.
Mine would be to tell you that the only opinion of you that truly matters is your own.
Nowadays I hate less than yesterday.
well i will be doing the best that i can to help needy people,change the things that i've done wrong before to make it better,