Hi everyone i am doing research for a project about how the media is having a negative effect on the public to be a 'perfect weight,' i would be grateful if you could fill in your responses to my questions.
All of the information you have provided will be used for this project only, and your identity will remain confidential.
1) Are you Male or Female?
2) How old are you?
3) Are you happy with you weight?
4) Can you explain why you are/not happy with your weight?
5) Would you ever have surgery to lose weight?
6) If yes, what kind of weight loss surgery would you have?
7) Are you aware of the risks that could arise from having surgery?
8) How much money, if any would you be willing to spend on weight loss products in the pursuit to get to your ‘perfect weight?’
9) Do you know about the risks which could occur due to taking weight loss products?
10) Do you feel peer pressure to be thin enough?
11) Do you think size zero should be banned from the catwalk?
12) If size zero was banned do you think it would do anything to change the media’s outlook of the ‘perfect weight?’
13) Would it change your outlook if size zero was banned from the catwalk?
14) When you open a magazine or newspaper and you see a skinny celebrity how does it make you feel?
15) Do you think the public knows enough about eating disorders, which can arise from trying to reach the ‘perfect weight?’
16) Apart from Anorexia and bulimia can you name an eating disorder?
I am doing on a project about the media having a negative effect on the public, can you answer some questions?
1) Are you Male or Female?
2) How old are you?
3) Are you happy with you weight?
4) Can you explain why you are/not happy with your weight?
I'd Like To Lose Soem
5) Would you ever have surgery to lose weight?
6) If yes, what kind of weight loss surgery would you have?
Lipo Suction or Gastric Band
7) Are you aware of the risks that could arise from having surgery?
8) How much money, if any would you be willing to spend on weight loss products in the pursuit to get to your ‘perfect weight?’
It would depend
on the pain to have to go through
9) Do you know about the risks which could occur due to taking weight loss products?
10) Do you feel peer pressure to be thin enough?
11) Do you think size zero should be banned from the catwalk?
YES definatily they all look ill
12) If size zero was banned do you think it would do anything to change the media’s outlook of the ‘perfect weight?’
maybe - i think more people like holly willoby should be advertised rather than victoria beckham
cos shes gorgeous %26amp; curvy
13) Would it change your outlook if size zero was banned from the catwalk?
14) When you open a magazine or newspaper and you see a skinny celebrity how does it make you feel?
and a little distressed for them
15) Do you think the public knows enough about eating disorders, which can arise from trying to reach the ‘perfect weight?’
i think they try and ignore it
to make it a taboo subject
16) Apart from Anorexia and bulimia can you name an eating disorder?
Binge Eating ?
hope i heped x
I am doing on a project about the media having a negative effect on the public, can you answer some questions?
1) Are you Male or Female? m
2) How old are you? 38
3) Are you happy with you weight? yes
4) Can you explain why you are/not happy with your weight? cos exist ok although techinally well overweight
5) Would you ever have surgery to lose weight? no
6) If yes, what kind of weight loss surgery would you have?n/a
7) Are you aware of the risks that could arise from having surgery? yes,blood poisoning,
8) How much money, if any would you be willing to spend on weight loss products in the pursuit to get to your ‘perfect weight?’ what i could afford
9) Do you know about the risks which could occur due to taking weight loss products? yes
10) Do you feel peer pressure to be thin enough? no
11) Do you think size zero should be banned from the catwalk? yes
12) If size zero was banned do you think it would do anything to change the media’s outlook of the ‘perfect weight?’ probably not,they would reclassify the size
13) Would it change your outlook if size zero was banned from the catwalk? no
14) When you open a magazine or newspaper and you see a skinny celebrity how does it make you feel? sick
15) Do you think the public knows enough about eating disorders, which can arise from trying to reach the ‘perfect weight?’ no
16) Apart from Anorexia and bulimia can you name an eating disorder?
1) female
2) 18
3) I'm ok with it
4) I want to be a little more %26quot;thicker%26quot; meaning curvier lol
5) no
6) n/a
7) yes
8) umm....up to $500 than I would evaluate my plan
9) yes, the many side effects
10) not really
11) no
12) It would do nothing
13) no it wouldn't change my outlook
14) I'm like %26quot;Dang that celebrity is sexy!%26quot; lol
15) They know only what they have been taught in school, so not that much
16) Umm...don't know the name...but I know people do eat more when they're depressed.
What about weight gain? Like in the African-American Media? Where the girls have to be thick (big booty, big chest) in order to get in a video. That would be an interesting topic to talk about and also how it effects miniority women.
1 - female
2 - 34
3 - no
4 - would like to lose between 1 %26amp; 2 stones for general health and up
coming wedding
5 - maybe but cost would be a major influence as well as risk versus benefit
6 - Liposuction
7 - Some but would need a lot more advise and research
8 - £2,500
9 - yes
10 - a little
11 - yes
12 - maybe but it would need to unacceptable in all areas of fashion, media and advertising not just catwalk
13 - a little, but more concerned for my daughter
14 - insecure
15 - it has been publicised more in recent years but more could and should be done especially with the younger generation
16 - Binge eating
1) Female
2) 25
3) I was up until a few months ago
4) I gained weight due to a sedentary job :(
5) Never, I am only a few pounds overweight
6) N/A
7) I do, that's another reason why I wouldn't do it
8) None, because that stuff isn't good for your health, rather do it naturally
9) I don't like taking pills for unknown results/side effects
10) Of course I do...damn media
11) Absolutely! I was a size zero a few months ago
12) Not immediately. All media has to change including tv shows!
13) It would be nice for the industry to take interest in the public and their affect on young girls and older women for that matter
14) Not bothered by thin/average sized celebrity. Skinner is just gross
15) Apparently not enough to help
16) Binge eating
1) Are you Male or Female? Female.
2) How old are you? 15 Years Old.
3) Are you happy with you weight? Yes.
4) Can you explain why you are/not happy with your weight?
I am happy with my weight because I am right in the avergave weight for my height.
5) Would you ever have surgery to lose weight? No.
6) If yes, what kind of weight loss surgery would you have? --
7) Are you aware of the risks that could arise from having surgery? Yes.
8) How much money, if any would you be willing to spend on weight loss products in the pursuit to get to your ‘perfect weight?’
None, I prefer exercise.
9) Do you know about the risks which could occur due to taking weight loss products?
10) Do you feel peer pressure to be thin enough?
11) Do you think size zero should be banned from the catwalk?
12) If size zero was banned do you think it would do anything to change the media’s outlook of the ‘perfect weight?’
13) Would it change your outlook if size zero was banned from the catwalk?
14) When you open a magazine or newspaper and you see a skinny celebrity how does it make you feel?
Unhappy, becuase I am not a size 0, and becuase it is not healthy for people to be that skinny.
15) Do you think the public knows enough about eating disorders, which can arise from trying to reach the ‘perfect weight?’
16) Apart from Anorexia and bulimia can you name an eating disorder?
1) female
2) 16
3) yes
4) i'm happy with my wieght because i don't feel i have to worry about it or anything. I only weigh myself once every month (if that) and i generally weigh about the same, and i feel comfortable with it.
5) No
6) ---
7) I'm not aware of any specific risks, but i know there are many.
8) None, i'm fine with my weight, and i don't think those products actually work. If i did want to lose weight, then id just take more care about what i was eating and making sure i exercised a bit.
9) Nope
10) No
11) I don't know about banned, but i think it's definitely not healthy. It puts even more pressure on people than there already is to be like that, to be seriously skinny. I think it's dangerous. I mean, i know some people are very thin anyway, but to be size zero can't be good for anyone!
12) Not sure. It's done quite a bit of damge already. I think if it were banned then the media would probably just become obsessed with whatever the 'new' size zero would be (whatever that would be, not necessarily skinny).
13) Change my outlook on what? Size zero? No, i'd be quite glad if it was banned. It's horrible to see people so obsessed with counting calories and watching what they eat, saying they're fat when they're a healthy weight (or are underweight), so i guess if it was banned maybe that would change a bit.
14) Depends how skinny. If there just naturally thin then i don't really think anything of it, but when they're so thin you can see all there bones and they just look so fragile...it's sad =( It's awful that they've had to become so thin just to fit in with the current fashion.
15) Some do, some don't. perhaps if they did more about it in schools, then teenagers would at least be aware. I'm not saying we're not aware, but i think there's an enormous pressure to look a certain way, and people get insecure - especially with people teasing, yknow? I think it gets to people.
16) I'm not sure what the name of this is, but what about over-eating? Not just the occasional extra chocolate bar or whatever, but eating for comfort sort of thing? Or eating because of stress/upset. Like binge-drinking, but with food. Binge-eating.
1) Are you Male or Female? F
2) How old are you? 43
3) Are you happy with you weight? Don’t really think about it.
4) Can you explain why you are/not happy with your weight? Exterior influences affect how I feel about my weight. I think too much emphasis is put on a number, instead of health.
5) Would you ever have surgery to lose weight? Don’t be silly.
6) If yes, what kind of weight loss surgery would you have? -
7) Are you aware of the risks that could arise from having surgery? Yes.
8) How much money, if any would you be willing to spend on weight loss products in the pursuit to get to your ‘perfect weight?’ None. There is no “perfect weight”.
9) Do you know about the risks which could occur due to taking weight loss products? Yes.
10) Do you feel peer pressure to be thin enough? I feel pressure from the self-proclaimed “fashionistas”.
11) Do you think size zero should be banned from the catwalk? I think all sizes should be embraced. There are those who really are that thin.
12) If size zero was banned do you think it would do anything to change the media’s outlook of the ‘perfect weight?’ No. Their idea changes – look at Jean Harlow, Twiggy, Cheryl Tiggs, Farrah Fawcett, etc. Ideals vary.
13) Would it change your outlook if size zero was banned from the catwalk? No
14) When you open a magazine or newspaper and you see a skinny celebrity how does it make you feel? I know the hard work they do and the pressure they feel to stay that way. Look at how women celebs are crucified for weight gain – Whoopie Goldberg, Valerie Bertinelli, Kirstie Alley
15) Do you think the public knows enough about eating disorders, which can arise from trying to reach the ‘perfect weight?’ No.
16) Apart from Anorexia and bulimia can you name an eating disorder? Self inflicted ones? No. Medical – crohn’s disease.