Saturday, 24 September 2011

Sociology Project: Please answer, I need a certain amount of people's answers :o)?

Tell me EVERYTHING you would have to do to change your behavior if you were a member of a different gender (man or woman) NOT a member of a different sex- in our U.S. Culture.

Basically if you were biologically a woman and wanted to be perceived as a man... what changes would need to be made? Same with for men, if you wanted to be perceived by others as a woman, what changes would need to be made?

Keep in mind APPEARANCE, ATTITUDE, or BEHAVIOR (feel free to add other categories) those are just some to get you thinking.

One example: a man that wants to be perceived as a woman would try to lose weight to fit the %26quot;thin%26quot; idea of being a woman.

A woman that wants to be perceived as a man would act tough (no emotion, strong willed and such).

**Think of how you would help an alien (who has no gender identity) appear to be a man or woman in the United States.

Back up your tips with reasoning as to why you included them

:o) Thank you so much, i'm completing a project!!!
Sociology Project: Please answer, I need a certain amount of people's answers :o)?
As a women I see us being nurturing and gentle so to become a man I would have to retrain myself to be selfish (not selfish but put myself first) and to think directly and definitely. Women can often get side tracked with 'what if...' or things that 'could be' where as I see men only deal with substance that they can see. I would have to let go of inconsecurities, romance, and putting others concerns first. Men tend to be self sured, self reliant, self concerned, self trained and self maintained. Socially I would have to loosen up and be able to joke like a man, put downs, bathroom hummor and all. The hardest would to be to clear my mind and think of nothing like when a man is asked 'what are you thinking?' they truthfully answer 'nothing'.

In college I tried to look like a man for a short while. I don't think I was fooling anyone but I would have to change my hair, baseball caps, maybe hide behind masculine glasses, mens baggy clothes in layers and slouch, strut and be aloft. It would be funny to try to be a metrosexual male, that might be more convincing.

hope this helps and good luck (see female response!)
Sociology Project: Please answer, I need a certain amount of people's answers :o)?
i would be a girl, that was hot. healthy. took care of herself. but i wouldnt be a *****.
i don't know what to tell ya
lol i had to do this last semester too so i think i can contribute

wow i so coulda made my class 100 times easier if i thought of using Y!A

I would need to tone up meaning I'd probably have an extra payment for gym membership because realistically girls always try to achieve the perfect body portrayed by the media. I'd need to be more opinionated and express my feelings more because girls are sassy and like to talk about things and you would need your own strong opinions on stuff. I'd probably be more needy and asking my parents for a lot more without being so considerate because girls always get what they want or try the best they can to. I'd have to get used to spending money without knowing how to save living check by check for clothes, make-up, accessories, and whatever else that makes a girl feel better about themselves. I'd need to learn how to cry more often in difficult situations and to get myself out of a jam (getting a ticket, getting in trouble by the parents, etc).

That about does it for me. GL on your hw.
I would advise an alien to take on the persona of a female.

Because they wouldn't know anything.

A male is expected to know something about everything, at least enough that someone doesn't call, 'b@ll$hyt'.

A female is expected or can easily defer any questions by giggling and saying,'I don't know'. And if they are pressured they can just ask a male to explain it to them. Nothing out of line there...
Well, if I wanted to be perceived as a man I guess I would have to start by the obvious of changing my appearance, ie. cutting my hair short, trying to grow facial hair, donning on menswear, etc. I would probably start eating a lot of protein to bulk and have heavy muscle definition as men are suppose to be bulky and strong. But I think the most essential key to becoming a man would be to change my behaviour. I think one would have to be more confident, straightforward, and take more risk. I think I wouldn't have any more inhibitions about sex because the social stimulus that is connected with women and sexuality would be gone as it is socially acceptable for a man to sleep with as many women as they like.