Saturday, 24 September 2011

For those of you who still believe that being gay is predetermined by genetics......?

Does this little statement change your mind any? I am not anti anyone BTW just a simple harmless question.

For decades, the APA has not considered homosexuality a psychological disorder, while other professionals in the field consider it to be a %26quot;gender-identity%26quot; problem. But the new statement, which appears in a brochure called %26quot;Answers to Your Questions for a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation %26amp; Homosexuality,%26quot; states the following:

%26quot;There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay or lesbian orientation. Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors. Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles....%26quot;

That contrasts with the APA%26#039;s statement in 1998: %26quot;There is considerable recent evidence to suggest that biology, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person%26#039;s sexuality.%26quot;

%26quot;People need to understand that the %26#039;gay gene%26#039; theory has been one of the biggest propaganda boons of the homosexual movement over the last 10 [or] 15 years,%26quot; he points out. %26quot;Studies show that if people think that people are born homosexual they%26#039;re much less likely to resist the gay agenda.%26quot;

With the new information from the APA, Barber wonders if the organization will admit that homosexuals who want to change can change.

%26quot;It%26#039;s irrefutable from a medical standpoint that people can leave the homosexual lifestyle,%26quot; he argues. %26quot;Homosexuality is defined by behavior. Untold thousands of people have found freedom from that lifestyle through either reparative therapy or through -- frankly, most effectively -- a relationship with Jesus Christ.%26quot;

LaBarbera agrees. %26quot;Change through Christ is possible -- and it%26#039;s one of the most heartwarming aspects of the whole gay debate,%26quot; he shares. %26quot;Many men and women have come out of homosexuality, mostly through a relationship with Jesus Christ. The fact that these professional organizations will not study that, will not acknowledge that, shows how %26#039;in the tank%26#039; they are for the homosexual movement.%26quot;

LaBarbera stresses that even though elites will not recognize the change, that does not mean the change does not exist. In fact, both Barber and LaBarbera believe that God changes people through Christ -- regardless of the sin.
For those of you who still believe that being gay is predetermined by genetics......?
I have a very close relationship with Jesus. God loves me SO much. And I love him and want to make him proud!

That being said, I feel fine being bisexual.
For those of you who still believe that being gay is predetermined by genetics......?
You%26#039;ve quoted two nutty, right-wing religious fanatics. How could that possibly change the thinking of anyone with a real scientific mind? This is just silly.
A.) I want some hard evidence like statistical numbers.

B.) Even and especially if it is a choice, it%26#039;s my choice. Not yours. I don%26#039;t believe in your religion--never will. What right and what privileged does anyone have to call my lifestyle a sin? I am not hurting anyone. Leave me alone.

C.) They have done studies where they compare the brains of straight females to those of gay men and the brains of straight men to gay females.

The gay males%26#039; brains were very similar to the straight females.

The gay females brains were very similar to the straight males.

If it%26#039;s a matter of brain formation, how is that a choice? Neurological studies and MRIs don%26#039;t lie.

Quit pushing your religion, please. A %26quot;relationship with jesus%26quot; has no medical value. How many people have died of disease/cancer/etc. %26quot;Having a relationship with jesus.%26quot; didn%26#039;t save them.

It%26#039;s fine if you%26#039;re religious; as long as it;s fine if I%26#039;m gay.

Edit: Check out the source. How do you explain those pictures that says my brain looks like a straight woman%26#039;s? Those are fMRI pictures. This study is reputable. Yours is from some quack.

You absolutely are backdoor pushing some religion.

%26quot;Belief in Jesus Christ%26quot;


You grow up. I%26#039;m sick of people looking at me differently because of stuff like this. It%26#039;s stupid and I%26#039;d beat that study%26#039;s bias author in an scientific or legal argument. There is a mountain of evidence showing that homosexuality is influenced by prenatal hormonal levels. You find one bias report and assume it%26#039;s correct. Not a chance. The medical community has numerous studies and they%26#039;re easy to find if you actually care to look. You don%26#039;t and never did.

I am offended not because there%26#039;s something wrong with me but because there%26#039;s something wrong with bigotry. I%26quot;m offended because that bigotry is making my life more difficult for no reason whatsoever.

Bottom line, the author of this study is a bigot and you%26#039;re nearly as bad for quoting him with any presumption of credibility.

%26quot;Change through christ is possible.%26quot; What a line of offensive crap propoganda with 0 proof. So if I join your religion you can make me not gay? Bull.

You ARE pushing religion as a %26quot;cure%26quot; for homosexuality. It requires no cure. You require tolerance.

If this ever becomes accepted once I pass the bar I will fight it tooth and nail, because I%26#039;m sick of being discriminated against. I%26#039;ve lost a job and a home because of people like this.
scientists know nothing. i was born gay, i KNOW it, i%26#039;ve lived it. it%26#039;s much like the afterlife and God, there is absolutely no scientific proof of either, but i KNOW they exist. i find ot both interesting and appalling that people , christians in particular, use the no proof line to try and demonize me. perhaps y%26#039;all should pray for more understanding and practice the unconditional love that christ did. also these same people use the erroneous argument that homosexuality only exists in man, while it has been prov-en in most of the species on earth. i also find it disingenuous that these negative questions are always prefaced by i%26#039;m not against anyone, hhhmppphhhh a VERY passive aggressive tact.
You don%26#039;t identify who published the brochure, and quoting a nut who believes that religion can change people%26#039;s sexual orientation pretty well shoots your credibility to pieces.

In point of fact, the APA%26#039;s 1998 statement is more correct, and there has been additional science further solidifying those claims.

By the way, just what the heck is this mythical %26quot;gay agenda%26quot; anyway? The fact one of the quotes you use contains that phrase is a dead givaway.

Frankly, the quotes you use (it%26#039;s still unclear if they come from the brochure you mention or not) are openly anti-gay and are patently at odds with much of the scientific community.
I think these statements are biased towards Christianity, a group looking for every way possible to continue to lable homosexuality as immoral.

I personally do NOT believe homosexuality is a choice. As far as what the brochure says, thats fine with me. We decades if not hundreds of years from understanding human sexuality, fully understanding the brain, or fully understanding psychology. Just because I cant prove its innate or cant prove its genetics doesnt change my mind. You cant prove God exists, but here you are furthering what you believe to be his agenda.

I believe a homosexual can choose to be celibate, or choose heterosexual behavior even though they are homosexual, but I do NOT believe sexual orientation can be changed, and I believe that asking them to do so is asking them to live a lie.

But even if it is a choice, I dont believe it is immoral, nor do I believe it is sin. So what if it is a choice? I dont find anything immoral in it or with it. I say that because there is evidence that it is a natural occurance across several species, and consenting adults that are the same sex in a relationship together does not hurt themselves, nor other people, nor any children involved. Therefore, its not immoral. But you are pushing that its sin, based on ideals of a book that has been mistranslated, from a God that you cant prove exists.

If I post some quotes about the inconsistences of God and evidence for the mistranslation of the Bible, will you change *your* mind???
How ignorant and irresponsible of you to post such garbage when it is perfectly clear that no matter what the reality happens to be, a christian stance always has been and always will continue to be to view the LGBT as sinners that need to change.

Keep your f**king made up religion out of my life, my home, my marriage, and my government.

You should be ashamed for posting this. And, you make the claim that you aren%26#039;t anti-anyone. Bullsh*t!

EDIT: You want facts - it%26#039;s called my life. What you don%26#039;t believe it? Yet you believe in the Bible and John Smith. Why take their word, and not mine?!?

Why being upset and hostile? Maybe because people like you continue to tell me my whole life that what I have always felt and know isn%26#039;t true. How the hell do you know? Have you walked in my shoes? NO. Are you gay? NO. Have you tried to change your sexuality? NO.

Those that don%26#039;t know about the realities of our lives, shouldn%26#039;t be talking about it.
I find it odd that you begin your question and discussion with the APA statements in mind, and then suddenly there is a quote by someone named Barbers, who believes change in Christ is possible for homosexuals. The way you linked both statements in the middle suggests to me you intended for it to be that way. That is a disservice to both the scientific and religious communities.

The latter part of your text focuses solely on how one religion can %26quot;change gay people%26quot;.

I certainly do not understand why you even began with APA statements, when all we ended up with is a treatise on how the Bible can %26quot;cure%26quot; gay people.

Science and religion are 2 separate fields, with mostly disastrous results when combined. Wasn%26#039;t it the Church who kept insisting that the earth was flat, and anyone proclaiming otherwise was a heretic? They also claimed that the earth was the center of the universe, not the sun. As far as scientific inquiries go, the Church has had a dismal record of factually based thinking resulting from observation and experimentation, so I think you will understand my skepticism at any %26quot;solution%26quot; they can bring out for any scientific question.

I think the more interesting question is, what is the origin of heterosexuality? Where is the research that says that heterosexuality is either an inborn, innate characteristic or something that can be chosen? Since the critics of homosexuality (it sounds silly, like a bunch of people criticizing people with green eyes) like to say we only %26quot;learned%26quot; being gay (From whom? From our mostly straight parents?!?) it would be fair to assume that heterosexuality follows the same course - it is only learned.

The deafening silence in this area belies the true intent of people trying to %26quot;explain%26quot; homosexuality. It does NOT matter how we became gay, what matters is that we are, and are being discriminated upon.
Here are the facts :

1 - The APA has removed homosexuality from the list of diseases and disorders because it did not follow the 3 Ds. Something is specified as a disease if it causes distress to the person, if it is dangerous to the person or to other people, and after having world professional psychologists had sessions with a large number of homosexuals, they found out that these people weren%26#039;t stressed and they weren%26#039;t unhappy about their lives and they weren%26#039;t hurting anybody, not even themselves. This is the study that resulted in the APA removing homosexuality from the list of diseases.

2 - There is another study that has found that professional psychologists that have tried to treat homosexual and reverse homosexuals%26#039; sexuality simply harmed them. Nothing positive came out from these sessions except harming these individuals. And this study shows that 88% of these homosexuals were not reversed to heterosexuality, while 22% were reversed to heterosexual behavior but not heterosexual desire. This 22% admitted to still having heterosexual desire.

3 - Genetic studies takes decades. As we%26#039;re dealing with humans, not rats. Scientists cannot make people reproduce in order to experiment, and these experiments take years, as people live long years, they%26#039;ll have to wait to find out. While with rats, they can make them mate and in matter of months they can experiment and re-experiment.

4 - There is a study going on right now that is coming to the conclusion that sexual orientation is genetic, meaning it is predetermined genetically. There are also studies that have shown that homosexuality is biology, starting from before birth until the brain is formed, as it%26#039;s found that homosexuals brains differ in its reaction to a sexual stimulation from heterosexual brains. This study had done scans of the brains of gay men, to compare with straight women, before a stimulation and after a stimulation; and there showed a similarity in their reactions. While the brains of straight men didn%26#039;t have a reaction to this same stimulation which was a male sexual stimulation related to the senses. The same with the brains of lesbian women who turned out to react the same way the brains of straight men did.

5 - There are homosexuals who are religious. Keep in mind Christianity is not the only religion on our planet. Having said that, there are religions that have accepted homosexuality as natural. There are even Christian churches that have accepted homosexuals and these churches do perform same sex marriages.

6 - Science cannot study religion. It did dig into it and came up with a result that didn%26#039;t satisfy religions. There is no proof that religion exists. Religion is an idea, those books are written by people ages ago. That bible tells you not to eat pork, not to work on sundays. It also condemns in 300 verses heterosexual sex. It says a woman should be the servant to her man, that a woman%26#039;s place is in the house.

7 - Of course change is possible. Change of action is always possible. But change of desire is not. A homosexual can decide not to be with the same sex anymore, and he can force himself to be with the opposite sex, but the desire doesn%26#039;t go away. Statistics have shown that. Read back my 2nd point made.

8 - There is no such thing as a gay agenda. If there was, all homosexuals would know. That is an excuse given by heterosexuals to look down on homosexuals and discriminate them.

9- Where are the studies pointing out to the fact that heterosexuality is innate and genetic? In the cases of young teenagers, there is something called heteronormativity. It%26#039;s basically seeing everybody being heterosexual and following the crowd, out of fear of being discriminated again and pushed away.

10 - You wanted statistics. Here they are. You wanted proofs. They are here as well. I%26#039;ve got it all here for you: details studies and statistics proving that being gay is biological and genetic.
this is the stupidest thing i ever heard..sure I can choose to never have sex with another man again...but guess what?..I would still be gay..just like if a straight guy never had sex with a woman again he would still be straight...when will ANYONE understand that gay is more than just sex.......

question for you..When did you CHOOSE to be straight? order for your arguement that it is a choice to hold any merit, then that would mean that straights would HAVE to be attracted to BOTH sexes and CHOSE to be straight...if being gay was not a choice for straight people or an %26quot;option%26quot; than you have no decision to does not take a scientist to see go back to thumping your hypocritcal bible..and ask an intelligent question next time..
Your treatise is flawed. You site %26quot;authorities%26quot; who make money from scamming families into believing that their poor sinner can be %26quot;redeemed%26quot; by their organizations. Then they put the kid through psychological, emotional and sometimes physical torture to %26quot;heal%26quot; them. Shame on you.

Scripture says %26quot;God is Love%26quot;. If you do not have love for those around you, if you hate gays - you do not have God in you. God would be so much happier if people like you would quit hating folks in His name. His son loves me enough to have died for me, even while I%26#039;m sleeping with my man.