Friday, 16 September 2011

Can you legallly change your last name for any reason?

I can't just accept the name, or live with it, because I've hated it all my life and it makes me miserable.

I've researched this and I read that you have to have a jduge's approval in order to legally change your last name.

This is my problem. I have a very generic sounding last name, and a very generic first name. I feel like I don't have an identity, the name is so common that it isn't something unique to me. I got stuck with both an extremely common first name and extremely common last name and I feel like a nobody.

I want to have a Spanish sounding last name.

What if your name makes you so miserable that you can't stand it?

It makes me crazy, because I just feel like a nobody with a name so common that I don't feel like a unique individual.

I also want people to know that I have spanish ancestry.

What if you just HATE your name so much that it makes your life hell?

How can you get rid of it?

Can you legally change your last name for any reason, for example, you simply HATE it? What do you do?
Can you legallly change your last name for any reason?
It's a simple name change, you have to put it through a court. Movie stars do it all the time. It is not difficult and costs about $200.